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Four. The number of drinks I've had so far tonight. Double that? That's how many times I've caught Hero's eyes on me from across the room. Triple or quadruple that number? That's how many times I've looked at him.

Respectfully, of course.

Don't get me wrong, he looks better than the five course meal we were served following the ceremony. And I'm not some creep who wants to tear his clothes off and wouldn't think twice about whatever public indecency laws they have in the state of New York. Wait— I'm totally lying.

I have to keep reminding myself that he's a literal stranger and I'm just some girl at the same wedding as he is. He seems like a nice quiet guy, and here I am, corrupting him in my mind. He's probably told plenty of guests they looked nice tonight. His eyes probably sparkled the way they did when he said it to me. Now I'm getting depressed. Jesus, what is wrong with me?

I'll tell you what is wrong with me. It's the way weddings effect people. Here I am, Josephine Langford, hater of all things love related, actually giving affection a second thought. And with a stranger no less. A tall, extremely good looking.. actually too good looking stranger from London that I'll probably never see again in this lifetime. It's official. I've lost it. And now I need more wine.

I can't help but smile as I make my way towards the bar and see Isla and her husband dancing like fools in the center of the raised dance floor that's underneath a bed of fairy lights. Their daughter, who's seven going on sixteen, is attempting to get away from their hold, clearly embarrassed and it's hilarious.

Myra and Daniel are making their rounds, clinging to each other for dear life. Definitely living up to the newlywed hype. And once again, I'm wondering why the hell I didn't bring a date.

I'm going to be honest here. The word 'date' hasn't even been in my single-life vocabulary. Six months of avoiding anything male related has worked out just fine. Myra attempted to talk me into setting up a dating profile a little over two months ago. Something about 'getting back up on the horse' and 'showing that asshole Marvin what he's missing out on' May have been hurled my way. But I had no interest in any of it. End of story. But that was before I laid eyes on Hero. Less than twenty four hours ago. Jesus, jo.

You'd think I was a hormonal high school girl having her first crush the way my insides are twisting around in there. The guy says all of like five words to me and I suddenly can't remember my own name. It's a shame is what it is. It's a damn shame that I've reached the point that I'm considering throwing my inhibitions to the wind and saying damn it all to hell just for tonight. See? Weddings make you crazy. It's a proven fact.

I graciously accept the glass of red wine from the bartender and attempt to talk some sense into myself by wandering over to the edge of the garden near the waterfall. In the distance, the lights of New York City twinkle and shine like millions of small beacons, giving the night a romantic glimmer from afar.

It's late August and the weather is almost perfect. I love this time of year. When summer is ending and there's a slight chill in the air when the sun goes down. I grew up in Australia where there's no such thing as a proper fall season. My parents and I moved here when I was only thirteen and once my dad retired, the two of them moved back. Since I had landed my current job at the hospital I work now, I opted to stay here in the states and try to visit when I can.

Just as I'm about to turn back to the party behind me, I make eye contact with the last person I want to talk to right now. Or ever. Well, one of them at least. Nick Dawson. Daniel's coworker and the guy Myra insisted would take my mind off my break up however many months ago. You want to know the real reason I don't date? It's him.

"Hey, stranger," he says as he saunters over to me. His suit jacket is off and his dress shirt is open a few buttons at the top. Don't get me wrong. The guy isn't bad looking. It's just that he knows he's good looking and makes it a point to let you know.

"Hi," I force a small smile as he continues to come closer.

"You're missing the party. I thought for sure I'd see you dancing out there," he smiles as he closes the gap and stands shoulder to shoulder with me, overlooking everyone else.

"I'm not much of a dancer," I say politely. While also trying my hardest to figure out an escape plan. I haven't seen Nick since our less than stellar blind date at the beginning of the summer. And I was hoping I could avoid him tonight.

An awkward silence falls between us as we sip our drinks and watch the party from a distance. Giving me reason to believe I one hundred percent made the right call when I decided against a second date with him. There's absolutely no chemistry and the only thing we have in common is the color of our hair.

"So how have you been?" He asks, breaking the silence but doing absolutely nothing for the tension in the air.

"Good good. You?"

"Great," he nods, his eyes glued to the other guests and not at all at me.

"So listen.. I was thinking—" he begins to say and I nearly choke on my drink. Is he seriously about to ask me out? Is this what's happening right now? Like we haven't been standing here for the last five minutes in complete and utter silence? Sweet, Jesus. The guy's a doctor for Christ sake. He cannot be this dumb.

Just as I'm about to fake a heart attack or something, anything, as an excuse to slip away and save him the humiliation of turning him down, the last thing I'm expecting is to hear a low British voice just on my other side.

"There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you."

My head immediately spins to see Hero, in all his glory, standing right next to me. He's looking at me and I almost find it in myself to ask him if he's talking to me or to Nick who is still in his same spot as well. Before I can even begin to think of words, Hero continues on.

"I couldn't remember if you said you wanted red or white so I settled on white. Clearly, I chose wrong," he smiles and it's then I notice he's holding not only his own drink in his hand but another one as well. I'm so confused at this point, I feel like my head is spinning and it's not just from the booze. My eyes must look as big as the moon and I can't help but notice the small smirk on his lips as he shifts on his feet before looking at Nick.

"Hello. I'm Hero. Josephine's date."


Am I missing something? Is it really April 1st and not August 28th? Did I bypass heart attack and just have a stroke? Is this the end of the world and someone just forgot to tell me? No, maybe I passed out on the couch after watching Netflix last night and I'm in the middle of a dream. And when I wake up, I won't be standing here in the middle of Hero and Nick. And the words would have never left his mouth.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Nick," I hear him say as he nods at Hero and then looks back at me. "It was nice to see you, Josephine. You guys have a good night."

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