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As soon as the clock strikes midnight, I can't stop myself from kissing her. Not only was it on my mind since I left New York three months ago, but tonight just presented itself as the perfect opportunity. I'd be lying if I said this time wasn't just as good as the last. I kissed her. And now she's running away. Call me crazy, but not typically the response a guy's keen on getting after doing such a thing.

I watch Josephine as she turns away from me, panic in her eyes. Something's wrong and I know for a fact it wasn't the unforeseen kiss. I felt something and I know she did too. I couldn't help but notice a change in her energy when that guy came up to the bar. Like he was the last person she ever expected to see. Not only did I kiss her because I wanted to, but I did it for her own sake as well.

Tonight, I'm determined not to let her slip away. We've spoken once since we fooled around in August and for all I know, she's had my number blocked since. I don't know why she won't give me the time of day, especially when I was honest about really being single even back then. But I'll be damned if she leaves this hotel and we don't at least address what happened. I've waited long enough.

"Josephine," I call out as I start to follow her through the crowd. The music is blaring loud again and guests are dancing and mingling all over the place. It's nothing short of a maze trying to get to the exit door and thankfully I'm tall enough to keep a close eye on where she's headed.

Just as I'm about to break free from the swarm of bodies around me, I hand reaches out and grabs my arm.

"What's going on?!" Myra yells over the noise as she steps in front of me.

"She's leaving," I respond, still able to see Josephine as she moves further away.

"Why?! Did something happen?"

"I don't know. Some guy was talking to her at the bar." I leave out the bit about us kissing. Not entirely sure if Josephine wants me broadcasting our moment to her friends. "I'll go get her," I assure Myra and she lets me go. I pick up the pace once I realize Jo's left the party and race to break out the doors.

Once inside the hotel, I briskly walk through the corridor that leads to the main entrance, exchanging nods with a few stragglers from the party. For all I know, she could be in the restroom, but I'm not about to barge in there. So I try my luck with outside in case she's trying to catch a cab.

I almost laugh at the fact that the man working the check in desk is the same one from the first time I stayed here. The one I asked if there had been a short blonde woman wandering about the hotel the morning she left. I wonder what he'd say if I asked the same question again? Like I'm incapable of keeping track of a single person. What are the chances of that?

The main entry is a rotating door and I absolutely despise those things. As tall as I am, it's hard to fit in most places anyway, and being crammed in between panes of glass is enough to make me feel claustrophobic. However, I push my way into one of the little stalls and it carries me to the other side of the building, within seconds I'm out on the curb.

I look left, then right, noticing a good amount of people wandering the city streets. Traffic never ceases to stop here, whatever time it may be, and by the way the city is bustling, you'd think it was noon instead of midnight.

I run my hands through my hair, no doubt messing it up as I decide which way to go, but then I see blonde hair swaying behind a woman in what looks to be a black dress about half a block to my right, and I immediately take off. I'm damn near running, bobbing and weaving in between people as they pass, and it doesn't take long before I'm almost on her heels.

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