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As if a sure sign from the universe, large flurries of snow began swirling through the air as soon as Jo and I step outside of the apartment building. Its only eight am, on a Friday morning, and the streets are bustling like they'd never went to sleep.

A car has been arranged to drive us to the airport, thanks to yours truly, no detail had been overlooked. The sooner we could get out of the city, the sooner I could see the look of hopefully astonishment cross her face when we landed at our destination.

I hadn't revealed where that was to her.. yet. Mainly because watching Jo squirm was utterly amusing, and partly because I loved the idea of being able to give her something such as a surprise vacation.

As someone who had basically known nothing else other than cold, wintry weather, I didn't so much mind the constant snow or bone chilling temps that New York seemed to always have. Jo, on the other hand, had been accustomed to sandy beaches and warm salty air before, and it was obvious that that's where we needed to be. Even if just for a long weekend.

I almost couldn't contain my laughter as I watched her lug those two bags onto the conveyer belt at baggage claim, stacked full of every piece of clothing she seemed to own. She swears up and down that she's not one to over pack, but the evidence says otherwise.

While she had been at work the last few days, I took it upon myself to rummage through her closet in hopes of finding bathing suits that could be put to use on this very trip. I found a few. Including a black string bikini that had my dick aching at the thought of her wearing it.

So, I stuffed that and a handful of others I may or may not have purchased myself at a little shop down on 3rd Ave, into my very own suitcase. All equally as revealing. And hopefully her taste as much as mine.

"Even though you're whisking me away on a weekend getaway, which thank you by the way," Jo peered over her phone as we waited in line at security. "I'm still mad at you for not telling me where we are going."

Laughing, I tucked my arm around her shoulders and pulled her into me. Kissing the top of her head. "Baby.. how about you stop worrying so much and just relax. We are on vacation and you'll find out soon enough." 

"Ugh," she groaned and pinched my side. "You're so mean."

"I could blindfold you until we land. Also put some of those noise cancelling headphones on you so you can't hear anything either. That would be mean."

"You also wouldn't make it past security. They'd arrest you for possible kidnapping," she giggled.

"Maybe so," I kissed her temple. "But in a way, I guess I already am."

One hour later, as we made our way towards our gate, with Jo doing everything humanly possible to get me to spill the beans, I lightly grab her wrist and spin her towards me. Her eyes wide and people swarming us in every direction.

"What?" She asks, peering up at me from behind bare eyelashes. No makeup needed for traveling. Her words. No complaint here. She's naturally stunning as the day is long.

"In my back pocket is your boarding pass. With the name of where we will be in a few hours.." I said as I brush a piece of loose hair from beside her cheek.

At my admission, I watch her eyes go wide with realization. Her fingers almost twitching to make a reach for it. Immediately, I take her hands in mine, intertwining our fingers together.

"Okay.." she swallows thickly, trying to play it cool. Only causing my grin to spread wider.

"So after I kiss you, in this very public, very noisy place, I'll allow you to grope me in order to get it out."

Her giggle is like music to my ears as I slowly bend down and brush my nose along her cheek, hovering my lips over her own. Simultaneously, the racket among us dimming down a notch until it's a dull hum.

The instant our lips meet, in a soft, fairly G-rated exchange, I smile against her lips and watch as her eyelashes flutter when she begins to open her eyes.

Now, I've kissed my fair share of girls. Some just that and some adult women. But nothing makes my heart beat out of my chest like it does when I kiss her. And from the blush on her cheeks and the goosebumps on her arms, I know she feels it too.

As soon as we seem to come out of this little moment, in the middle of a far too crowded airport terminal, Jo wiggles one of her hands out of my grip and slides it into my right pocket. Immediately making contact with the ticket.

With excited eyes, I watch as she takes ahold of it, slowly extracting it from my pants and brings it in between us. Holding it up, her eyes study the print with her eyebrows drawn together. Like she's solving a math equation instead.

It takes a minute, but I see the moment realization crosses her beautiful face, her eyes darting up at me and then back down at the slip in her hand.

"Florida?" She breaths out as her eyes shine up at me. Her lips beginning to smile.

"Specifically Key West," I say. Still gripping one of her hands in mine.

"We're going to the beach?!" She squeals and jumps into my arms. The sheer force of her body colliding with mine enough to make me take a step back. Laughing at how excited she seems.

And yes. We are going to the beach. I would have loved to have taken her to Mexico or to Greece or Somewhere completely off the map. But with only four hours of direct flight, and no hassle or headache of passports, I decided on taking her away to a little beach town in Florida. Because let's face it, as long as there's sunshine, good food and drinks and the reality of spending three days with her all to myself? This sounds good enough.

"Oh my gosh!" She squeals into my neck as her legs wrap around my waist. No doubt causing a scene, but I definitely don't mind. "Wait. I screwed up.." she pulls back so she can look me in the face. My forehead scrunching at her sudden seriousness. "I forgot to pack the sunscreen. I thought you were just joking and being dumb and I deliberately didn't pack it. Shit.." she trails off as she begins to laugh.

"We can find some when we get there," I laugh with her. "And if we can't, then we've got a serious problem on our hands."

Before the words are barely out of my mouth, Jo's hands have such a tight grip on my face and she's kissing me again. Failing to hide the smile all the while. After a few swipes of her tongue with mine, I have to practically tear myself away from her. My dick beginning to harden. Not ideal for the middle of an airport.

"As much as I'd love to find a fucking storage closet or something and take you right here, right now, I'm afraid we're going to have to wait until we land," I say under my breath and begin to set her down.

Pulling me down by the neck for one more quick kiss, Jo manages to whisper in my ear. "The second we're behind closed doors, I'm going to need you inside me."

With that, like she didn't just make me harder than before, she twirls on her heel and begins to walk towards our gate. Looking back over her shoulder with such mischief in her eyes, it damn near makes me melt.

As subtly as possible, I rearrange my.. problem of sorts as quickly as I can, giving a slight nod to the woman eyeing me suspiciously as she passes on her way beside me.

I'm suddenly walking in the same direction. My head in the clouds and trying to focus on anything other than what the next three days could possibly hold. We have another hour before take off and I'm suddenly inclined to speed up the process. But instead, I suppose I'll wait patiently, because it'll be all the more sweeter if I do.

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