Forty eight

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"If you keep doing that, we're definitely going to miss our flight," Jo says breathily as I place lazy kisses along the length of her neck from behind her as she attempts to do her makeup. Attempt being the key word. I have many other things in mind we could rather be doing.

"Mmm," I groan into the crook of her neck. "That doesn't sound all too bad."

"I don't think my job would be too happy if I called in. Especially since I've had more days off already than regular," he grins at me through the mirror, my eyes catching hers in our reflection before I stand tall behind her and place my hands on her hips.

"Besides," she goes on with applying mascara, amusement taking hold as I watch her with steady hands and her mouth halfway open as she studies her task at hand. "We've had enough sex this weekend to last us a lifetime. Surely you've had your fill."

"Absolutely not," I scoff and move to the side of her to brush my teeth. "I could fuck you every hour, on the hour, for the rest of my life and would still be left wanting more."

"So romantic," she rolls her eyes and giggles.

I smirk at her through the mirror, my toothbrush lodged in my mouth as I twist the cap back on the tube of toothpaste and wiggle my eyebrows at her at the same time.

Our weekend is nearly over. By this afternoon, we'll be back in the big Apple. Back inside reality. As much as I hate the fact we're leaving our little oasis here, the poor house we've taken up in for the last three days probably deserves a break. Every square inch of this place was christened in one way or another. The poor bastard would need therapy if that was even a thing.

But, this weekend wasn't all about the amount of time we found ourselves naked and doing unholy things beachside, away from the real world. This weekend was a milestone in our relationship. One that in my opinion was long over due.

"You know what I just thought of?" Jo stops what she's doing and looks directly at me. Mascara wand held loosely in her hand.

"What's that?" I ask once I've rinsed my mouth and dried my mouth with a hand towel next to the sink. Tossing it onto the pile of used towels in the corner of the room.

"The first day we were here, when I went to go change before we went for a swim, I was talking to Myra on the phone and I'm pretty sure, in some roundabout way, she told me she was pregnant."

My eyebrows nearly shoot into my hairline at her words. How she's just now remembering this is shocking to me. But then again, I've kept her extremely occupied throughout our stay.

"No fucking way," I grin and lean my hip against the counter. Facing her as she looks up at me. "That's insane. I should text Dan. Send him a congrats."

"No!" She nearly yells. Catching me completely off guard. "What if she hasn't told him yet?!"

Confusion clearly there, my brows draw together and I cross my arms over my chest. "What do you mean if she hasn't told him yet? That's a pretty big thing to keep from your husband I would think."

"Yeah but you know My.."

"Sort of."

"Okay.. I know My and I know that revealing something of this magnitude is like her ultimate wish. She'll go all out in announcing it and I haven't seen or heard a single thing online. Which tells me one thing.. he has no idea yet."

"Huh," I mull over her words. "I guess."

"When the time is right, you can text Dan. But right now, we need to get going." Jo raises up on her toes and quickly kisses my cheek before she's off into the bedroom to finish packing her suitcase.

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