Seventy three

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I've always wondered what it'd feel like to lie on top of the clouds. Just low enough to where the sun is shining on you; basking in its warmth. I'd imagine that beneath your skin, it's like a million little feathers holding you up. The consistency of cotton but feels like silk.

My eyes are closed but I feel that very thing. Like I'm on a cloud and I don't dare wake up. But it's the sudden shuffling of clothes and the slow sound of a zipper that brings me to reality. I crack my eyes and find the window across the room.

Sunlight filters in and I suddenly remember I'm in a foreign place. This isn't my apartment. No, these are crème colored walls. Painted with only the finest money can buy. That isn't my dresser in the corner, but a piece of furniture that cost an arm and a leg I'm sure. And most importantly, this isn't my bed. Trust me when I tell you; if it were, I'd never leave the damn thing.

I pat the bed beside me, coming up empty. Hero's warmth is no longer there. The sheets are rumpled, like he was there before, but instead, I'm nestled into the cloud bed alone. A silky down comforter wrapped against my bare legs and arms. All I can do is sigh.

"Good morning, love," Hero leans over my back and kisses me softly against the cheek. I close my eyes and hum.

"Mmm," I smile, still turned away from him. "What time is it?"

"Almost noon."

My eyes open wide and I begin to sit up. Noon?! I haven't slept in this long in... before I graduated high school? Why the hell didn't he wake me?!

"Relax," Hero chuckles behind me as he sits on the edge of the bed. Holding me down against the mattress by the shoulder. "You didn't miss anything and you have nowhere to be."

"Your family.. breakfast.." my words are coming out in pieces. God, they just think I'm such a dud. Can't even come down for coffee. And a guest in their own home!

"My dad has been working before the sun even came up and my mother has been on conference calls all morning about a new project. I didn't even go down there myself."

I turn underneath the covers to face him. Good god, he looks heavenly in morning light. Dressed for the day in a pair of slim fitting joggers and a plain white tee, with his hair still damp from a previous shower. My stomach tightens at what his hair looks like when it's wet. Images of us in the pool until the clock struck midnight come flooding in of last night.

Meanwhile, I couldn't even run a comb through my own hair right now if I tried.

"Why didn't you wake me up? We could have had breakfast together."

"You looked too peaceful. You haven't had a full nights rest in days."

That is the truth. Valentine's Day was spent on his family's jet, where we wound up in bed for the duration of the flight and did anything but fall asleep. Yesterday, my nerves were racing at the  thought of officially meeting his family, where again, we found ourselves in a much too intimate situation until the day officially ended and the next one began. Jet lag and countless orgasms are seriously kicking my ass. Not that I'm one to complain.

"This bed is pretty heavenly," I grin at him from where I lay my head. His hand resting on my head while he runs his thumb over my forehead, pushing fly aways off my face. Smiling like he hasn't got a care in the world.

"It was custom made. Most beds don't do well to fit long legs," Hero raises an eyebrow as he makes his point. Come to think of it, I've always noticed how he somehow sleeps somewhat diagonally at home. In order to fit onto the bed I now presume.

"What are we doing today?" I ask quietly as we stare into each other's eyes. Mine finally at full focus after the unconscious state I was in. The way he looks at me melting me further into the bed.

"Some mates I haven't seen since I left are having a game of football down at the practice field of our old high school this afternoon. Asked me if I wanted to join since I've made it back to town. I figured we could go down there for a bit if you're okay with that. It will give you a chance to meet everyone."

Getting to see the city, Hero play sports and see where went to school here? Count me in. Although, to be difficult, I furrow my brows and look up at him. "No trips to the pool then?"

Hero licks his bottom lip and I don't miss the glimmer in his eyes. "I'm afraid that's only after dark."

Instantly, butterflies invade my stomach.

Hero leans down slowly and I meet him halfway for a kiss. His hand that was once in my hair now holding my neck in its grip. "I unpacked your things in the bathroom," he says against my lips as he pulls away. "Go shower and we'll start the day."

He kisses me once more. Slowly. His lips one with mine. If my arms weren't still tucked under the cloud blanket, I wouldn't hesitate to pull him into me more. To pull him under with me and start today off properly, with him nestled between my legs. But as soon as I begin to move, he pulls back and licks his lips. A smile dancing on his face.

"Better hurry, love," he says as he stands. "I have a lot of fucking goals to score."

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