Twenty two

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Josephine and I have spent the whole day together. After waking up together this morning and falling asleep together last night. I wasn't lying this morning when I told her she was addictive. Hell, I'm not so sure any drug in the world could consume me like she's begun to. And I'm also not lying when I say I'm not quite sure how to feel about it.

Something about her makes me want to be as honest as I've ever been. So when I looked into her eyes and told her I want to give us a shot, they were some of the most honest words I've ever spoken. Im surprised my heart didn't leap out of my own chest. Because as perfect as the last twenty four hours have been, the reality is that I have to go home at some point. And I really don't like that.

Jo didn't say much in regard to my request. Instead, she looked as if I'd stunned her into silence, much like the first night we met. She had this look on her face like she didn't know whether to cry or smile and I'm not really sure what it was trying to convey. But I didn't push her.

I know it's a lot. I know it's probably too soon. But I have never in my twenty three years of life looked at someone and felt the way I do about her. My mind went back to last night, when she told me about her ex. The bastard that seemed to screw her up for the next guy to come along. I know she's scared. I am too. But I would be stupid not to at least try.

We spent the day viewing the city. The air was cold and crisp, much like back home. She took me to some of the city landmarks and insisted we eat at one of those little carts that litter the city sidewalks every couple of blocks. I told her she was the best tour guide I could have asked for and she just laughed and said something about her being a transplant and a local would be better. I disagree. Because I had one of the best days I can imagine with her next to me. Which makes my doubts about whether or not we might have the slightest chance dwindle a little more at a time.

It's nearing seven pm now and we've been invited to Daniel and Myra's for dinner. I'm looking forward to spending some time with Dan. He's been one of my closest friends since we were teenagers even though the distance between us makes it hard to keep up with each other's lives.

"I've never been here before," I say to Jo as we walk up the concrete steps to their brownstone. It's a small neighborhood, lined with old brick buildings and narrow streets. But nice all the same.

Jo rings the doorbell and it's instantly answered by Myra who's dressed casually, her hair up in a bun. "Hi! I'm so happy you're here!" She pulls Jo in for a hug and gives me a smile over her shoulder which I return as well. "Come in! I just took it out of the oven!"

We make our way inside, removing our coats and our shoes. Careful not to dirty the almost sparkling marble floors. I will say, my friend has certainly done well for himself. Being a doctor, having a smokin hot wife and living in something that looks like someone's great uncle would settle in once retired. I'm proud of him.

"HT! So good to see you, man!" Dan greets us in the kitchen, offering me a glass of scotch.

"Thanks," I smile at him and we slap each other's backs.

"Okay! Everyone go sit. I'll be there in a sec," Myra chirps from over the stove and motions us into their formal dining room a few feet away.

"My! These plates are beautiful. So fancy," Josephine gapes as she runs her fingers over the white porcelain dish ware on the table.

"Thanks! Dan's grandma gave them to us for the wedding."

We all settle in at the table, Jo and I beside each other, Dan at the head and Myra to his left. Whatever she's made smells amazing. And I'm suddenly starving. Just as we all dig in, praising the chef on her job well done, Dan speaks again.

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