Thirty seven

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There are things I never saw myself ever doing. Or in this case.. doing again. What may that be? Living with someone again. And when I say 'someone', I mean that of the opposite sex.

I lived with Marvin for two and a half years while we were together. Everything was great.. until one day it wasn't. And when you're trying to shove all your shit into makeshift suitcases and the odd box that's been lying around before your cheating ex comes home and sees you, it really messes you up.

But even with all that shit in the past that I went through now done and over with, the thought of sharing my space again with someone is surprisingly not too bad. It also helps that Hero makes me breakfast in the mornings after giving me an orgasm for the books before I go to work.. so that's always a plus in and of itself.

It's been one month since Hero officially moved to New York and honestly time has been flying by. I've been working like crazy, Myra and I sharing the same shifts more times than not. And Hero finally lucked out on finding a job after being on the hunt for a few weeks. All in all, things are going great and I'm starting to really believe this was all meant to happen.

It's Thursday evening when I find myself trudging up the stairwell into the apartment. Work kicked my ass today. My legs feel like jello. But the weekend is coming up and I happen to have the whole thing off.

When I reach the door to my apartment, I hear music faintly through the door. A song I don't seem to recognize. Since Hero mostly works from home as a software engineer here in the city, I'm not surprised to find him inside.

Upon opening the door, Im met with an aroma that almost makes my mouth water. I kick off my shoes, shrug my winter coat off my shoulders and hang it up and watch in amusement at the scene in front of me.

Hero's in the kitchen, back towards me, standing over the stove. He's shirtless, the muscles in his back flexing every time he stirs whatever he seems to be mixing and his sweats are hanging dangerously low on his hips. Some song I've never heard before blasts through the Bluetooth speaker I have set up in the living room only feet away, and I can't help but notice that Hero's singing  and bobbing his head and body right along.

I don't know how long I stand there in the doorway, watching my newly acquired boyfriend.. yes that still sounds weird to say.. in his own little world. And looking hotter than hell while doing so.

As if he can sense my presence, he glances over his shoulder, his dark hair which is getting longer since he's been here falling over his forehead in a few spots. As soon as he sees me, he a smile breaks out across his cleanly shaven face, his dimple almost bringing me to my knees alone.

As soon as I start walking towards him, he reaches for his phone that sits on the counter and turns down the music to a dull hum.

"What on earth are you listening to?" I giggle as I lean my elbows on the island that separates us.

"A rap artist from back home. You like it?" He looks at me through his lashes and then focuses on his phone again in hand.

"Not as much as I liked your little performance," I smirk as I push off the counter and round it towards him. "If you weren't so tech savvy, I'd say you'd have a real good shot at being a male performer."

To this he throws his head back and laughs. I encompass him with my arms around his bare waist and crane my neck back to look up at his tall frame.

"You think I've got the moves?" He smirks down at me.

"I know you've got some moves.."

Hero grips the back of my neck in one of his hands and leans down to embrace me in a kiss. I must say, it's been a long day, but coming home to this? So worth it.

Before things can get too heated, I pull away and turn to grab a water, giggling when Hero playfully slaps me on the ass. He goes back to whatever I walked in on him doing and before I know it, dinner is being served.

"Hear me out.. I'm not the best cook in the world. And I know how you're always saying you think you need to cut the carbs, which is bullshit by the way," he Gives me a pointed look and I roll my eyes. "I made spaghetti. My moms recipe. Well.. as close as I could anyway."

I make myself comfortable while Hero dishes us out plates. A mound of noddles, thick and hearty sauce and garlic bread to add. My stomach growls at just the sight of it, never mind the heavenly smell that's taken up the air around us. In the past few weeks, I've gotten used to coming home to dinner already made more times than not. If it weren't for Hero, I'd probably be eating two day old take out right about now.

Throughout dinner, we talk about our days. I tell Hero about the patient who tried to escape despite having just come out of surgery for a gun shot wound. The cops ended up having to handcuff him to the bed, followed by some sort of interrogation. It was probably the craziest thing to happen yet this year.

When we've stuffed ourselves with more carbs than humanly possible, I help him do the dishes and put everything away. As much as my body is needing a shower and my mind needs a rest, I feel bad for leaving him to do it all himself.

"I'm going to go shower," I say through a yawn once the kitchen is completely clean. After receiving a kiss on the forehead, I shuffle down the hallway to the one and only bathroom, closing the door behind me and shucking off my clothes. Once inside, the hot water coming from the shower feels like heaven on earth and I find myself just standing there for a while, soaking it all in.

I'm not sure how long I hold up in the tiny little steam filled room. But when I do decide to finally get out, my hands are like prunes and my eyes are heavy.

After drying off, I make quick work of my nightly routine and put my glasses on. With my towel around my body, I dart across the hall to the bedroom and find Hero sitting in bed, scrolling on his laptop. The dim light from the lamp next to him showcases his muscular soft skin, and if I wasn't so close to the walking dead, I would pounce on him no doubt.

When I enter the room, he glances up and does a double take at the lack of clothes. That, and the fact that I rarely ever wear my glasses, but my eyes need a break from the contacts I usually wear.

"Did anyone ever tell you how fucking hot you look in those?" Hero asks but his eyes stay focused on the screen ahead. I can't help but blush, so instead, I flip on the light of the closet and quickly pull on a T-shirt and pair of sweats.

I toss the towel into the hamper and turn back towards the bed. My legs nearly on autopilot. Once close enough, Hero slides his laptop to the side and pats his lap for me to come to him. I hesitate for a second, wanting nothing more than to pass the hell out, but oblige anyway. Crawling onto his lap with the help of his hands.

"I'm too tired for whatever it is you're thinking right now," I run my fingers through his messy hair, his eyes closing slowly at the soft contact. A smile creeping up onto his lips.

"That's fine," He says as his eyes flutter open and land on me again. His hands tightening around my waist. "Id rather you save your energy for this weekend anyway.."

"And what's happening this weekend?" I ask, fighting back a yawn once again.

"We, my dear, are taking a trip."

I can't help the corners of my lips pulling up in a smile. A trip? It's been ages since I've left the city. Longer since looking forward to something planned. Suddenly, I feel a second wind coming on.

"Oh are we?"

"Mhmm," hero leans up and gives me a quick kiss on the lips. With just enough pressure to leave me wanting more. "But its a surprise. And you'll have to trust me. But I think you'll have fun."

Little does he know, I trust him more than I have anyone ever before. Maybe it's naive of me. Maybe I'm just blinded by all that is him. But one thing I do know is I am head over heels. And if he wants to spoil me, who the hell am I to turn him down?

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