Forty one

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Four and half hours and some seriously stiff joints later, Hero and I had made our way into Key West. It was mid afternoon and the sun was beaming over the endless view of the ocean as we made our descent onto the ground. Very different than the impending snow storm we managed to sneak by while leaving the city.

After waiting too long in line at the baggage claim, we hailed a cab and Hero gave the driver the address to where we would be staying. He hadn't given me any more details while on the way here, but now that I knew where it was we were going for the weekend, I suddenly didn't care about anything else.

I hadn't actually seen a beach like this is years. Since the last time I'd flown home to see my parents. With everything in my life being so work driven, not to mention, the horrendous break up I went through just less than a year ago, I hadn't had time to go anywhere fun.

But here I was. About to indulge in a weekend's worth of overpriced cocktails and sand between my toes.. all because of Hero. My heart fluttered at the idea.

The main strip was quaint. And the shops were buzzing with people on foot, dressed down in appropriate clothing for the warm, humid weather. There was something about being in this certain climate that made my skin feel softer, naturally hydrated it seemed, and the smile on my face almost permanently etched on my face.

Hero had traded in his hoodie that he left New York in for a tight fitting plain white tee. His muscular arms stretching the material as he gripped my hand in the back seat of the car. I hadn't been lying when I told him I was ready to pounce on him when we were finally alone. Hell, I almost did just that in the middle of a busy airport. Something told me I was in for one hell of a ride this weekend.. or maybe he was. Either way, I didn't mind.

As the cold air from the cars air conditioning blasted us through the vents, I couldn't help but notice we were making our way further away from town. We passed more than a dozen of hotels and a handful of resorts as the driver maneuvered us down the busy streets, never slowing to stop at a single one.

Cool as a cucumber, Hero traced circles on my hand as he held it tightly with his, glancing at me every so often before turning his attention to the beautiful view outside.

"Where are we going?" I whispered to him, the driver never seeming to hear me from his place up front.

"You'll see," he smirked and nodded for me to look out my window at the palm trees outside.

After ten or so minutes more of silence, the driver turned onto a gravel road. The bumps jostling us in doing so. I cranked my neck forward to see where it was he was heading towards, but all I could see was blinded by the sun.

We drove for a few more miles before the car began to slow. My palms sweating in the process. Oh my gosh. Were we here? I couldn't wait much longer.

"Here we are," The driver sing-songed as he put the car in park. Right in front of a small bungalow tucked in between vegetation and an abundance of native trees.

"Come on," Hero whispered and kisses me lightly before exiting the car. I used my own door to step foot on foreign ground.

The sun beamed down on my clothed shoulders, the smell of salt strong in the air. The world around us was quiet, only the soft sound of waves lapping at wet sand and seagulls passing overhead could be heard.

We weren't at a resort. We weren't in town at a hotel. No.. we were standing in the yard of a house. The most picturesque, perfect little house, complete with white shutters and a screened in porch.

"Thank you so much," I heard Hero say to our driver, shaking his hand and paying for the drive. Our bags were all huddled around him and I quickly closed my door and rounded the trunk of the car. Within seconds, he was pulling off down the driveway, and I was still taking in my surroundings.

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