Sixty six

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There aren't enough words in this world to describe how much I love this woman. She's everything.

I never considered myself a romantic. Let alone, someone who would settle down.

But now? There's no question. Which is exactly why we are here.

Should I have maybe brought up the topic of 'meeting the family' before I threw her on a plane to London? Maybe so.

Would I re-live the last twelve and half hours exactly as they were? Absolutely.

Jo looks so damn cute walking down the steps of the jet in the London afternoon air that I can't help but focus strictly on that. Her hands in her coat pockets, her blonde hair bouncing up and down behind her back. She looks exited. Ready for wherever I may take her. I've never been more excited to be back home.


"Hero." I meet the driver to hand over our bags. "Thank you."

I'm not pretentious. Obviously, or Jo wouldn't have freaked out like she did on the plane.

Yes. I come from money. A lot of fucking money. But all that isn't important to me. I could have $50 fucking dollars in my bank account and still be happy. Its just how I've always been.

Material items have never been most important to me.

In addition to my parents wealth, they've always had a healthy relationship. One I've looked up to.

And that is what I've wanted over everything else.

Fuck the cars, the vacations, the mansions up on a hill. It's hard to find a woman who wants me for me. Here in London, at least. Before I met Josephine.

And when I met her? Well.. let's just say my mind was fucking blown. Still is. Most days.

As soon as we reach the back door of the car, I open it as the driver almost runs around the front to help me.

"Lincoln.." I turn and look at him. "I've got this." I give him a smile. One Josephine doesn't seem to see.

"Yes.." he stops himself. "Hero. My apologies." He wrings his hands before walking quickly around the car to the drivers side and getting in.

"To the manor?" Lincoln asks once all the doors are closed and we're settled. He's worked for my parents for years. Hence, the first name basis.

"Not yet," I grab Jo's hand and pull her attention from out of her window. "Let's stop at 'Mother Morning' first." I smirk at Jo.

"What's that?" She gleams up at me.

"A little breakfast place," I smile down at her as I dig my phone out of my pocket. A text from my mother front and center. I skim over it. We'll get there eventually.

"I'm getting the full tour?" She laughs and leans into me. Her blue eyes shining up at me.

"Of course," I kiss the tip of her nose. Glancing at Lincoln smirking in the rear view mirror.


"What's wrong baby?"

Jo scrunches up her nose as she takes a drink of her coffee that I ordered her.

"It's.." she shifts in her seat. "Bitter."

I lean back in my chair and laugh. "There's hardly any sugar in there. Perhaps this is the right way to drink coffee and the Americans have forgotten?" I cross my arms over my chest. Smiling.

"I'm not American," she squints her eyes and leans back. Trying to me upset. She's still so fucking cute.

"Fair enough," I nod at her. "You might get used to it."

Jo smiles. Brighter than the mid morning sun shining through the window beside us. I watch her as she hesitantly takes another drink.

"So.." I take her hand across the table. "We can go straight to the manor and see my parents or do some sight seeing first. What do you think?"

"The manor," she raises her eyebrow. Imitating how I said the word. "You make it sound so fancy."

"It is," I wince and give her a smile.

I watch as Jo gradually releases my hand and leans back in her chair. Folding into herself as a kind of way. I don't want to scare her. I want to prepare her. My childhood home is bigger than our apartment building combined.

"Baby," I say quietly. Drawing her attention back to me. "You have nothing to be worried about. You're here with me."

She gives me a tight smile. "I know."

"They want to meet you."

This perks her up. "What have you told them?"

I lean back in my chair and smirk at her while I take a drink. "They know I met you at Daniel and Myra's wedding.."

"Do they know we live together?" She asks, somewhat panicked. "That you moved to the city because of me?"

"Yes," I nod. I'm very open with them. They knew before I ever packed my bags. And may I say.. extremely supportive.

"Sweetheart," I lean forward and take her hand again. Noticing how cold her fingers are. "You have nothing to worry about. My parents know about us. They're happy for us. You have nothing to be scared of."

I swipe my thumb across the back of her hand. Hoping my words are getting through. I know this is a big step. I know we haven't be together for long. But this is important for me. For us.

"Now drink up," I motion to her almost untouched coffee. Smiling as I take a drink. "Because after we leave my parents, you're going to meet my friends."

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