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Remember when I said I hadn't envisioned my night ending up this way? Sitting in a diner on New Years Eve with Hero? Let's add sleeping with him in my apartment to that list as well.

Hero takes long strides down the hallway of my apartment, our lips devouring each other with every step he takes. My limbs are wrapped around him, attempting to pull him closer and closer, even though there's nothing separating us.

Just like last time, we're hungry for each other. But unlike then, Hero's not holding back. I asked for just as much. I swear I saw something burn inside his eyes when I all but asked him to use me tonight. Something raw and purely carnal at what my words could potentially mean.

As we enter the bedroom, the room around us is dark and the only light is coming from a small space between the curtains that hang over the single window and that of what's in the hallway. Flashes of us in his hotel room not too long ago come into mind, and there's a stirring in my stomach for what I can imagine is yet to come.

My head falls back as Hero places open mouth kisses down the length of my neck. My pulse jumping underneath them. As his lips pull away from my skin, he begins to set me down on the floor next to the foot of the bed, and I feel my bare feet land on the carpeted floor beneath me.

"Turn around," he says in a dark voice, one of hunger and raw desire.

My hands leave his shoulders and I do as he says. My legs shaky from so many things.

I feel as his hands lightly brush over the tops of my shoulders on either side, before his finger tips begin their descent down the length of my arms. Goosebumps prick my skin at his featherlike touch and I stand as still as I can while I wait for what's next.

"That dress you wore the night of the wedding was unbelievable," his words come out quiet and breath like. "But when I saw what was underneath..fuck," he whispers into my ear and I nearly melt into the floor.

Hero's hands find the zipper on the back of my dress and I hear the sound of it coming apart. Once undone, his large hands slide the material from around my shoulders and cool air hits my skin as it falls to the floor, leaving me in nothing more than a strapless black bra and matching thong.

On instinct, my eyes flutter closed as he undoes the fabric from around my breasts and within seconds I'm completely topless.

"These are so perfect," he groans as he takes both breasts into his hands from behind me, kneading the slowly with a gentle touch. "They fit so perfectly in my hands," He says as he breaths into my neck.

Nodding, I manage to agree, sinking back onto his chest behind me. I'm well aware I barely know him outside of our one and only night together, but he knows all too well about my body it seems. Every kiss, every touch is exactly what it craves and I can't help but completely hand myself over.

His hands trail down my stomach, dipping lower until they hit the waistband of my panties. Slowly, I feel his fingers hook into the fabric and pull them down my legs and I step out of them once they hit my feet.

All too soon, I feel his hands draw away from my skin and I immediately miss his touch. I can hear the rustle of fabric behind me as he starts to unbutton his shirt with haste.

"Crawl on the bed," he breaths out and I hear his shirt hit the floor. I want so badly to turn and look at him. Watch him undress. But something about him having complete control right now is enough to make me obey. Slightly shaky, I place one knee on the mattress and it dips down slightly, before I do so again with the other. Behind me, I can hear Hero's belt coming apart and his slacks moving down his legs. Within seconds, I feel his touch again around my hips as he slides me back just enough to where my knees are just at the edge of the bed.

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