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"Wait! What?!" I nearly double over in laughter as I try to choke out of the words. "You're telling me that Dan," I turn around in my seat and point my thumb in Daniel's direction behind me. "That guy over there was on a train in London in the middle of the night wearing nothing but his underwear?!" I giggle as the image plays out in my mind.

"Technically, it was four in the morning, but yes. That's exactly what I'm saying," Hero laughs in amusement.

"So what happened? Did the girl's boyfriend track him down?" I ask, clearly enthralled at the story I'd just been told. Earlier, I'd asked Hero how him and Daniel had even become close friends. The question burning a hole in the back of my brain ever since last night. He told me Daniel studied abroad his freshman year of college and the two of them had been roommates. Roommates turned into friends, which turned into the two of them doing a bunch of dumb shit in their early college years.

"Not to my knowledge. But if I'm being honest, I don't remember a whole lot about that night myself," he grins as he takes another drink. After him approaching me and being my saving grace from Nick earlier, we made our way to a small table where the conversation had been nonstop ever since. That, mixed with the continuous drinks between the both of us, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but he honestly does feel like my date. And not only that, I'm actually enjoying myself.

Whatever notion I had before about Hero being some stiff but sexy, well-to-do heir to some royal throne back in London was quickly put on hold once we started talking. The guy is funny. No, like hilarious. And get this? He's a software engineer. No medical degree in sight.

But don't let that fool you. I, for one, have zero knowledge of what that entails. Ask me to make an Instagram post and I'm good as gold. Anything else? Call me Lady Josephine and slap me back into the 18th century.

"Well, well, Well," a familiar voice comes from behind me and I turn to see Daniel and Myra coming our way. It's nearly midnight now and most of the crowd has found their way home. Only a few stragglers remain.

"I see you've met HT," Dan grins at me while slapping Hero on the shoulder.

"Actually, I was just hearing about how much trouble the two of you used to get into together," I grin knowingly and can't help as Hero's eyes gleam under the lights.

"Oh you were? Interesting.." Dan smiles and peers down at Hero, his hand still resting on his shoulder. "If I remember correctly, it wasn't until after I met this guy, that trouble found me," he laughs and Hero does the same.

"I will neither confirm nor deny that," Hero chuckles as he smiles and leans back in his chair.

"I'm sorry guys, but if I don't get out of these heels and this... dress," Myra chimes in as she untangles the train from around her ankles. "I'm going to go insane."

"I think what my wife is trying to say, is she's dying for me to undress her," Daniel wags his eyebrows in a devilish type of way. "And then really drive her insane."

"Jesus Christ, Dan. Seriously? They don't want to know," Myra attempts to scold him but fails miserably as he pulls her in for a kiss.

I'm not going to lie. Something about the way he kisses her makes me want the same. It's been months since I've had any action. Well, courtesy of someone else and not myself. As ridiculous as the whole display is in front of me, there's a longing that's forcing its way up.

"You two have a good night. Text me when you land tomorrow," Dan tells Hero as he and Myra begin to walk away.

Tomorrow? He's leaving to go back home tomorrow? Jesus, talk about a quick trip if I've ever seen one. I wouldn't be surprised if the amount of time in the air is longer than the time he's spent in the city.

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