Sixty four

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I've never been on a private jet.

Who am I kidding. I've never even fucking seen one before.

As I take Hero's hand and he guides me up the narrow steps into the craft, it feels like an out of body experience.

My hand is shaking. My whole body is shaking. With excitement? Nervousness? Need? I don't know. A combination of every word ever created?

"Good evening, Mr.,"

"Just Hero," he smiles at the stewardess. I watch the interaction, in silence.

Again.. what the fuck is happening right now.

"Your seats," the woman holds out her right hand, showing us two rows of seats. Six total. Three across from three. Plenty of leg room. Across the isle is a small table and booth like seating. Television screens hanging over head. The colors neutral, comfortable. Before I can look around anymore, I'm prompted to sit down by Hero's hand on my back.

I have no choice but to sit. I watch, guarded, as Hero sits across from me. He seems like he doesn't have a care in the world. Loosening the collar of his shirt until three buttons are undone. All the while checking his phone before tossing it on the seat beside him.

"Relax, baby," he grins at me through his lashes. I feel myself bristle even more.


"Can I get you two anything to drink before we take off?" The same woman comes up again. Her hands holding what looks to be a menu of some sort. I notice her accent, much like Hero's.

"Double Jameson. On the rocks," Hero raises an eyebrow my way.

Clearing my throat, I give my order. "Just a bottle of water please."

"She'll have a glass of Merlot. Chilled if you have it."

I glare at Hero.

"And the water?"

"That too," he says and I feel my heart rate pickup.

We stare each other down for a few moments. I don't miss the smirk on Hero's face. Meanwhile, I probably look like the most confused person alive right now.

"You have a lot of explaining to do.." I say quietly, before our drinks are placed in front of us. Hero thanks the woman, I give her a forced smile. I watch as he sinks deeper into his seat when he takes a drink.

"I suppose that's true," he licks his lips. My eyes track the movement. Wishing I wasn't mad at him right now. God, I want him so badly, despite the current circumstance.

Spreading his legs further apart, he sets his drink on the table beside him and looks straight at me. "Ask away."

I don't hesitate. "You said you were taking me to your hometown.."


"Which is another country."


"It's the middle of the night."

"It's 10:17."

"I have work tomorrow."

"No. You don't."

My jaw drops slightly. Is he out of his mind?

"What, are you kidnapping me?"  I say with my chin held high.

"No.." He looks amused. Like this is some big game to him.

"As far as I'm concerned, I have no fucking idea who you really are right now.."

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