Twenty six

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It's just before seven and I'm leaving the hotel to meet Jo. I spent the day catching up on emails and doing a few odd jobs that I could access online. Life of a software engineer is not all that glamorous, but I'm good at what I do I suppose. That, and it's easy to work from home when I've got the tools I need. I kept myself busy for the most part today, but I'm aching to see Josephine again. We texted a few times here and there as the day went on, but it's no where close to the real thing.

Fuck. I know I took a leave of absence from London, and I eventually will have to return. But the thought of that right now is one I'd rather not deal with. Part of me was wondering if what we shared the first night together was just a one time only type of deal and there wouldn't be much of a spark this time around. But I was wrong. So so wrong. Josephine and I are what gasoline is to fire. She's mesmerizing and oh so hot indeed.

I get a flash of her, naked on top of me last night while we were going at it and have to adjust myself at just the thought. Sex hasn't always been my number one priority when it comes to a relationship. But I've always been accommodating. But with her, it's like I can't get enough. I want to please her. And by pleasing her, I please myself. It's a win win really.

I'm gathering up my things when my phone dings on the night stand. A text comes through from Jo.

Jo: maintenance just arrived to fix the heater. I didn't know they were coming today

Well, shit. Is it bad of me to be a little annoyed that she might not need to stay here tonight? I shake my head and instantly reply.

Me: that's quite alright darling. Will we be pushing dinner plans back a while?

Darling? I laugh to myself. What am I? Trying to court someone in the nineteenth century? Fuck it. I hit send.

Jo: I don't know how long he will be. Would you hate me if I took a rain check?

I sigh heavily and run my hand up the back of my neck. I was really hoping we would be able to see each other tonight. Then again, she was at work all day long and I'm sure she's exhausted. Before I can respond, another text appears.

Jo: I'm sorry. It was just a long day. I really do want to see you though.

I smile at myself. My, how the tables have turned. She wouldn't even talk to me over the phone three months ago and now she's saying this. I knew I should have come.

Me: don't worry :) I want to see you too. Hear all about your day. Maybe sneak a kiss in here and there..

Jo: you know what us kissing leads to..

I smile as I read her text. Oh, I know exactly what one kiss leads to with her.

Me: I haven't a clue what you're on about. Do explain

Jo: we end up being very very bad

I throw my head back and groan. Sweet mother of Mary. This girl's got me by the balls. Instead of replying, I hit her contact name and put the phone up to my ear as it rings.

"Hello?" She answers sweetly.

"You can't send me things like that," I say darkly through the phone as I pace around my small hotel room.

"I haven't a clue what you're on about," she says quietly. Using my own words against me. I can hear a bit of racket in the background, indicating there is someone else in the apartment.

"What if I come over there? We don't have to go out," I say, fingers crossed she agrees.

The line stays silent for a second and I'm praying she says okay. I've waited twelve hours for her to be off work. I'm craving her.

"Okay. We can order in food or something?"

Bingo. I smile at her words.

"Sounds perfect. Send me your address again and I'll head right now."

"Okay," I can nearly hear her smiling into the phone. "See you soon."


"You've watched all.. twenty five seasons?" I ask her in amazement, motioning towards the television. As soon as I arrived at Jo's, we ordered Chinese food and shortly after, the maintenance guy finished up. The heating problem is now solved, thank god, because it felt like a walk in freezer as soon as I stepped in.

It's nine p.m now and Josephine's curled up on the couch under a blanket, explaining to me her love and fascination with all things Law and Order.

"I've watched some episodes more than once, but yes. All of them," she smiles sleepily up at me.

"You've got dedication. I'll give you that." She smiles her reply. Unlike I would have preferred, I wasn't able to jump her bones as soon as I got here. Not wanting to give the maintenance guy a free show and all. I can tell Josephine's tired from working all day and haven't even hinted at doing anything of sexual nature tonight. Instead, we've just been talking and laughing. Getting to know each other.

"How was your day?" I ask as sink further into the couch as we watch our show.

"Busy," she sighs. "I forgot how much I'm actually on my feet all day. I barely even got a break today."

Without a word, I gently take her feet into my lap and begin massaging the balls of her feet. She's wearing bright green fuzzy socks that she insisted were necessary since the apartments still heating up. I will say, she does look quite cute really.

"What are you doing?" She laughs and tries to pull her feet from my lap but I tighten my hold.

"I'm giving you a foot massage. What does it look like I'm doing?"

"You had better not tickle me, Hero. I mean it," she glares playfully at me and nestles into the blanket more.

"I won't. I already told you earlier. I'm on my best behavior tonight," I wink at her and apply a little more pressure to the arch of her foot. Taking my time to work them out.

"And this is not leading to sex either. I'm too—" she yawns. "Tired."

"No sex. Got it."

She giggles and we both turn our attention to the tv. The volume is low and the brightness of it flashes in front of us around the dim light coming from the lamp in the corner of the room.

I can't remember the last time I felt like this. Like.. relaxed and just enjoying being in the moment. Back home, I'm either working long hours or spending time out with my mates. Always on the go. But right now, I feel calm in Jo's little apartment. On the opposite side of the world.

We continue to watch the show in silence, my fingers beginning to cramp a little as I continue to rub her feet. They're so small in my hands and it's easy to work them over that way.

"I think he's the guy," I say quietly as I watch the characters in the show interrogate someone in a dark and dingy room. The fact that she's watched every episode known to man of this and I've never even watched one makes me laugh. But I'm actually quite enjoying it, nonetheless.

Silence comes from Jo's side of the couch and I realize she hasn't answered. Maybe she didn't hear me. I look over to her and find that she's fast asleep. For how long, who knows.

She looks peaceful. Like an angel under the thick, fuzzy blanket. I carefully remove her feet from their place on my lap and she stirs slightly at the change before curling into the fetal position, her back to the couch and her hands under her head. I rise slowly and kneel down beside her, brushing my thumb over her cheekbone, her flawless porcelain skin.

"Goodnight, darling," I whisper as I place a light kiss on her temple and stand again. I have no desire to go back to the hotel. To leave her alone tonight. Instead, I pour myself a glass of water and flick off the tv, then lock the deadbolt on her door. I keep the lamp on in the corner, just in case she wakes up and then quietly make my way down the hall to her room to sleep myself.

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