72- Kick

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     So, it's true that all clouds do have a silver lining. After my breakdown over being pregnant and Mickey in jail, on top of us losing the house, it all turned around.

     Mickey was back to find out we were going to have a baby girl (that I was much more excited for now, knowing the sex and Mickey being back), AND somehow Carl had the money to buy our house back.

     There's no question that however he got the money would get him thrown back in juvie, but we had our house back so I was keeping my mouth shut.

     Only thing was, on top of Mickey moving back in with us (the reason being we thought it was best we stay near family for the baby), was that Grandma Queenie, Sammis mom, is back at the house out of nowhere.

"Breakfast my offspring!" I heard Frank shout from downstairs, waking me up from my sleep.

I groaned and sat up, Mickey was passed out on the floor and Liam was staring at me from his bed.

I picked up up from his bed, "Morning nugget, you want breakfast? Huh?"

I carried him downstairs. With Carl the new owner of the house, the place reeked of weed. Frank sat at the table.

"Oh, Queenie. This is my daughter I was telling you about. Bearer to my future granddaughter," Frank babbled.

"My goodness! You're glowing! Motherhood becomes you!" She swooned, pulling me into a hug.

"Yeah.. thanks. We got any fruit loops?"

"Oh no sweetie, we need to prepare you for motherhood. Only natural remedies to make a toned uterus. It's what the baby wants," Queenie went on.

"What the baby wants is fruit loops," I responded, ignoring her and going to search the cabinets.

"The fuck is going on?" Mickey groaned, thundering down the stairs.

"Is this the father of the miracle growing inside you?" Queenie smiled.

"The fuck?"

I just shrugged at Mickey as Fiona and Sean walked through the front door.

"What's that guy doing in our living room?" She asked.

"Uhh, he's either delivering more booze or working on that slide Carl's putting in," I responded, "you moving back in?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, Ian took your room, me Liam and Mick are in together, but the couch is still up for grabs."

She looked pissed, "what the fuck!" She stormed upstairs and I heard her cussing and shouting about some shit.

The Gallagher house was back.


     I was lying on my bed, Mickey was sitting on the floor smoking a cigarette. I was feeling nauseous from the hormones so we just decided to hangout together while I tried to feel better.

     "Hey, hormone Henry, you awake?" I heard Mickey say from below me.

     I propped myself up on my elbows, "Hormone Henry?"

     "That's what you are isn't it?" He smirked. I just glared at him, "fuck off."

     "Wait, you been thinking about names yet?"

     I tilted my head, "names?"

     "For the rugrat."

     "Oh.." shit I never even thought of names yet, "no I didn't. Why have you?"

Little Morgan Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now