•Chapter One Hundred & Forty Six•

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Season 10

Daryl's Point of View:
"Formation!" Aaron calls. The line of shield holder bunch together, creating a wall. The herd grows closer to Hilltop. I watched as a bright light flashes and as walkers hit the electrified wire. Without warnin, pops and crackles fill the air. The wire falls and the herd moves on.

"They're splitting in two!" Aaron yells. "They're gonna load up! On my command, splitting ranks! And break!" We all move into two sides, the shield group walkin to the branch filled wall to keep the walkers back. I can hear the arrow group release their arrows into the sea of walkers. I swung my weapon, a ball with spikes, and whacked three walkers heads off. The spear group comes in and begin takin walkers out. I bashed the spike ball down on the walkers heads. Everyone fought, letting out grunts and groans. In just seconds, everyone in the line is covered in blood.

"The fence isn't gonna hold!" Luke warns. Without warning, liquid splashes outta nowhere. I pull back for a second, lookin at my hands. The liquid was a light brown color and it smelled like oak.

"Smells like a Christmas tree!" Jerry shouts. I look up when I see a light flyin through the sky and hits the ground. A ball of fire explodes and lights up the night. I suddenly hear screaming and see one of our men running towards us before fallin, burnin alive.

"It's like gasoline!" Jerry yells. The idea hits me and I realized Alpha's plan. Splash what seems like oak, to light our asses up. The sound of the wooden posts begin to creak and I knew the fence wasn't gonna hold.

"Get ready to fall back!" Aaron shouts.

"Back inside! Come on!" I yell. I turn away and run off for the gates. A bright light fills my sight and I see the front gate burning. We're trapped between the flames and walkers. Everyone begins takin out the walkers. The flames burn the walls and the walkers start headin inside the walls. I run around, takin out as much walkers as I could. I turn around and see a whisperer swingin their knife at me. I easily kicked him back and stomped my heel into his throat.

The air fills with smoke and I hear people coughing. I look around me and spot Carol up on the guard post, usin her bow to take out some walkers. I turn my head and see the Barrington House burnin. Everything in Hilltop was burning right before my eyes.

The group of shields used their shields to keep the walkers out, slowin them down. I hear a loud explosion, followed by freaking. I turn my head and see one of the walls fallin.

"Walls down! Come with me!" I shout. A group of us run for the wall and took out the walkers comin in. We all stood in a line, takin out all the walkers. I swung my ball spike and smash it down on a walker. The body falls and I stare at it, makin sure it wasn't movin anymore. I pick up my head and prepare to swing again. My body tenses and I found myself freezing. The woman limped her way through the crowd of walkers, face covered in blood, entire body covered in dirt and blood. I lowered my weapon and grab her shoulders.

"B?" I softly call. I blinked slowly from the smoke, opening my eyes and realizing it was actually a walker. The walker growls and snaps at me. I push the walker back and continued to take out the walkers.

Everyone followed behind me as Rosita and I guided the group through a large field. Some are hurt, some are okay. We made it outta the burning of Hilltop, but everyone's separated. We don't know how's all alive still, who's all dead. But it looks to me, wherever we end up, Oceanside or Hilltop, we'll know for sure. But there will still be that possibility that some people could be missin.

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