•Chapter Ten•

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Season 2

Bobbie's Point of View:

We've been driving for a long while. Daryl and I couldn't think where else we would be going, but then I remember we have Fort Benning for a chance. We must be going there. I don't know where else we'd go. Staying in the vehicles will only drive everyone insane, hopping house from house is only dangerous. We can't stay out here, we've gotta find a secure place where we all can stay safe. Someplace must have walls or something that'll keep us all together and safe. After the night of the walkers coming through our camp, we've all realized how unsafe simply camping out in the woods isn't safe.

"Damn it." Daryl utters.

"What is it?" I ask him.

"Runnin on fumes. We keep goin at this rate, it'll do more damage to the truck." He says. I sigh as he honks the horn one time. The caravan pulls over to the side and we see a house and a few buildings surrounding us. We pile out of the truck and walk over to Rick.

"Runnin on fumes. Can't keep drivin without any gas." Daryl tells Rick. "I got the bike. But, B will have to ride with someone for a while." He says.

"That's a plan. We can scavenge around here for a minute. We'll keep pushing for Fort Benning." Rick informs.

"I can go in the woods, see if I can find a river or something and fill up some bottles." I say.

"I'll back you up." Lori says.

"You sure?" Rick asks her and she nods.

"We won't be long." She says before kissing him. I walk to Daryl's truck to retrieve my bow as Lori walks to Carol's Cherokee and retrieves a gun.

"Aye." I turn my head and see Daryl standing next to me. "You be careful, okay? Don't get lost, don't get hurt. You see more than one walker, you run back and warn us. Got it?"

"I will." I say.

Lori and I walk through the woods, quiet for the most part. We didn't want to bring up the C.D.C., we both knew not to say anything about it. We were all basically traumatized and never looked back since.

"B, huh?" Lori then speaks up. "What's goin on between you and Daryl?" She asks.

"There's nothing going on between us?" I frown as I pushed through branches.

"Bobbie is your name. I assume you allow family and friends to give you that nickname." She continues.

"Nobody calls me B. I don't have a nickname." I say.

"Daryl has, and you don't seem to mind." She says.

"No. I guess not." I shrug.

"You two do seem close. You're the only one Daryl likes to talk to. He talks to you more than anyone." I don't say anything.

"I'm not saying Daryl is-"

"You all misjudged him. Yeah, he can be an asshole, maybe even a little bit of a hot-head. But once you know him, he's not at all bad." I defend.

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