•Chapter One Hundred & Fifty Seven•

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Okay, guys. We're officially on the very last episode of S10. With that being said, here's a little something I thought that would be pretty cool or something. In this chapter, maybe, possibly the next, you'll be reading in Negan's point of view. You'll understand why once you begin reading it. But like I said, once this chapter, and maybe the other chapter is officially published, MUTED will be on hold until I'm able to find a way to watch S11 and continue on. Please stay with me and please try to be patient. If I find a way, I will update you. And I can't, I will let you know what my game plan is:)


Season 10

Negan's Point of View:
Daryl and I silently dug up Allison's grave. I carried Allison to the memorial area and I picked up a shovel and began digging up. Eventually, Daryl joins me, but so far, he hasn't said a word.

I let out a sigh and took a mini break from digging up the dirt, taking a drink of the water I had. Daryl pauses as well he and digs in his jacket pocket, pulling out a small bottle of Jack. He looks at me for a second and offers me the bottle. Why the hell not. I accepted the bottle and took a swig at it, handing it back to him.

"Thanks." Daryl suddenly says.

"Should be thankin you. Took that edge off. I hate long, awkward silence." I say, picking up the shovel.

"I wasn't talking about the bottle." He says. I understood his gratitude now.

"She's my friend." I say.

"What?" He frowns.

"Bobbie. She's my friend. She may be your girlfriend or wife or whatever it is you two are, but she's my friend. Quite frankly, my only friend around here. She doesn't like to admit it, but I'm her friend too. I know I am." I say.

"How you know that? She tell you? Probably feels sorry for you." He says.

"If she didn't like me in any way, she wouldn't be trusting me to go out looking for her sister. Or coming to me when she needs help with something. Or hell, she'll come around just to check on me." I say. Daryl let's out a sigh and he shakes his head.

"Look, you're still a piece of shit in my eyes. I don't like you. I don't. B says she sees good in you and that she likes you and I'm tryin my best to support her in that, even when she knows I don't like you. Imma give you a warning right now. I don't care that you two are friends. You piss her off, hurt her in any way or try to hit on her, I'm gonna kill you." He growls.

"Daryl, when are you gonna realize that I'm not looking at Bobbie like that? I don't like her like that. I only like her because she's nice to me. She treats me like a goddamn human bein. She gives me something that I know I don't deserve. But Bobbie, she makes me wanna keep goin, alright? So just, cut the bullshit on me tryin to take her away from you. Man to man, I wouldn't steal another man's woman in front of 'em. I'm a piece of shit, I know that. But I ain't that much of a piece of shit. Just let me do this for my friend and you won't have to do things like this with me ever again." I scoff.

We continue to dig up the grave and eventually lay Allison to rest. We covered up the hole and Daryl planted the cross over it, labeling it A for Allison.

"Negan." Daryl and I turn our heads and see Carol. "Wanna go out hunting for a bit?" She asks. I glance at Daryl who simply stared at me.

"You gonna tell me to stay away from her, too?" I mock him.

"You could use a little bit of hunting." He shrugs me off. "I'm gonna go find B, let her know she can come over." He says and walks off.

"Carol, can it wait once B is here? I wanna talk to her." I say.

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