Reader x Ace. The future.

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I feel for bad for writing this. Just saying in advance. Oh yeah, btw, Knock Hard Days anyone? Me likey. Those who haven't heard, I'm tagging the new OP opening. Watch and love. (Also, new episode spoilers, anyone else die inside hearing Sabo cry?)

A short spurt of blood splatted against the worn out cobble. It had once been thumping around a pulmonary artery, but when that was corrupted, it leaked into a torn stomach;only to be coughed up and onto the floor.

The entire process was watched with widened eyes and bated breath. Upon seeing his brother recieve a hit of which was meant to be delt to him, the mugiwara froze. An overbearing sense of fear and shock striking the boy like a bullet. Except this bullet could not be deflected courtesy of his powers.


That was the only colour that could be seen. Red blood. Red fire. Red clothing. Everything was red. It was like seeing hell on earth for the mugiwara. Even though his brain still couldn't quite comprehend what was going on just yet.

Slowly, the magma covered fist of which delt the horrific blow was retracted. As if relishing in the feel of the internal organs that it had pierced; content in knowing this young life, was soon to end.

The broken and bloody body that belonged to none other than 'hiken no Ace,' collapsed into that of his younger brothers embrace. Rubber arms immediately surrounded the horribly cold body. The unnatural heat that coursed through man, due to the power of his mera-mera no mi, was gone. Replaced by a blood-stopping coldness that insinuated the devil fruit users blood had stilled. It was now only a matter of time until his heart stopped.

And so, with he limited minutes left upon this earth, he coughed, whimpered, and sputtered his final words to his younger brother. Words that had long been forgetten since childhood, bubbled to the surface. These words were gratitude. Gratitude, because Ace was content in knowing his dense little brother had not given up on him. Him, a man who's blood carried that of a demons.

In all honesty, it made him happy it was leaking out of him. The blood. Slowly, even if made no difference any longer, he was losing his connection to that of his demonic farther. Although he'd never admit it aloud.

"Thankyou...for loving me..."

And then, he was gone. The 'thud' his body made as it collided with the cobble, was to be forever imprinted in the young, mugiwaras mind.


No, this wasn't real...

It couldn't be...

These thoughts swirled within the strained mind of the young, raven haired boy. No, his brother couldn't be dead, he promised him he would live! His brother never lies, never. Maybe...maybe Luffy could bring him back. If he yelled loud enough, his brother would come back...

And so came the soul shattering sob that burned the back of the rubber boys throat to release.

He screamed and screamed and-


(E/c) orbs snapped open, only to focus on the man of whom she had just watched die. Except...he was a picture of health. Releasing a shaky sigh, the girl smiled.

"Sorry, I was just thinking."

The girl laughed, her heart constricting horribly in her chest. Her eyes traveled over the contours of his sculpted chest and defined torso. As her gaze wandered, she noticed no injury. He was ok...for now.

"That's dangerous."

The young male retorted, sticking out his tongue. (Y/n) simply laughed in response. Once the small onslaught of laughter died down, there was a tense silence. The boy made of fire sounded her name, catching her attention.

"You saw somebody's future again...didn't you?"

She froze, large eyes casted up to gaze into the dark, onyx gems Ace possessed. Slowly, almost involuntarily, she nodded. Knowing that there was no way she could lie to her beloved. He sighed.

"And you're not going to tell me who's, are you?"

She shook her head. He sighed again, but smiled anyway. He leaned down, to place a quick kiss on her forehead.

"That devil fruit ability will be the death of me."

He chuckled, making the girl swallow upon the poorly timed joke. However, in hopes of not being found out, she laughed simply and looked down. Her tears threatened to spill, but she refused to allow them. She couldn't run the risk of telling Ace his demise. After all, if she did, it may be or cause the reason he dies. It was too risky.

"(Y/n)'s nothing I should worry about...right?"

Her head snapped up, and even though it physically hurt her to do so, she shook her head.

"No, Ace..."

She murmured with a smile, placing a quick kiss to his cheek.

"Not at all..."

Annndddd...I just ruined easter. Sorry guys.

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