chapter 30

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A/n pov:

When tae looked confused yong-sun began to explain why the property was in yuna and her children's name.

Yong-sun: Before my dad died he transferred all the property to us his children and his grandchildren. That's how I got the company in hand, and for my noona, that is Joon's mom he transferred it to noona's husband's name, then for yuna, he passed on our house to her and her children. Your grandfather didn't forget you'll.  he was angry at the beginning when yuna left us without saying anything but as the years passed he began missing her a lot and thought about what will happen if she comes back one day and no one let her inside the mansion? So he did that. If the mansion is in her name no one can chase her out or tell her she can't live there.

Yong-sun explained yuna felt so sad that she didn't get to meet her dad or mom before their death. She was the worst daughter ever.

Yong-sun: and tae not only that since we lived in your mansion we need to compensate for that. It's a part of the deed. So whoever lived there should pay you for the days they lived there, if we don't pay back you can sue us. And no one can say anything against it.

Tae was processing every information
So he is the owner of the mansion which he had never visited before? And everyone should pay him for staying there? The mansion where his kookie and jin hyung are mistreated? Where kookie said that he felt unloved?

Tae: what about transferring the house in someone else's name uncle?

Tae questioned as he wants to know more about the deed.

Yong-sun: you can't transfer the house to anyone else's name or sell it to outsiders. It can only be transferred when you get married. You can transfer it in your spouse's name or your kid's name.

Yong-sun said with a smile.

Yoongi: Grandpa is a very smart man!!

Yoongi spoke after listening to the deeds' laws.

Yong-sun: cause he is my dad

Yong-sun said proudly.

Si-woon: so tae what do you say? It's your house. The place where your grandparent's blessings are filled. And it's the place your mom grew up.

Si-woon spoke with a loving, smile.

Tae: Ma do you want to go there?

Tae asked with a small smile and yuna gave a hesitant nod. Yuna didn't want anything other than to see her son living happily in the place she grew up.
Yuna knows how much he suffered taking care of her and the Twins and being the only earning person in her. House.

Tae: Namjoonie hyung, yoongi hyung, Jungkookie hyung are you'll ok with it? Do you have any problem with  Me, mom and the twins living there with you'll?

Tae asked politely. He just didn't want to suddenly come and claim the house out of nowhere, he want to know if they are ok with it. And the three gave an amused smile. Min literally told that they have to pay him for staying there but here he is asking them if they were ok? Tae is an Angel, to be honest.

Namjoon: uncle Just now told us that we have to pay you for staying there. And here you are asking if you can live with us? Tae that mansion is yours, Of course, you can.

Namjoon said with his dimple smile.

Si-woon: you are so humble tae.

Si-woon said fondly, seeing how humble and considerate tae was.

Yuna&Jin: cause I raised him!!

They both said at the same time and shared a look, making others laugh.

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