Chapter 5

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The Good Son

"I'll get your robe and mask made tomorrow," Bellatrix told Regulus as they entered #12 Grimmauld place.

He gave his cousin a grateful smile. "Thank you," he said, suddenly feeling a rush of excitement at the prospect of dawning the famous Death Eater garb with the others. It meant he was worthy...was good enough to stand with the best to change the world. It meant he was among the best, and he was ready to prove to the Dark Lord that he was right to think so of him.

"How did it go," Kreacher asked, rushing to meet them in the front hall.

"Oh it was brilliant, Kreacher," Regulus said, bending to embrace his friend. "I do wish you were there to see, though," he added, wishing to share the joy of the moment.

"Right. No touching. There are civilized people present," Rodolphus growled.

"It was just a hug, Rodolphus," Regulus said, straightening.

"Yes well we know where those apparently lead," Rodolphus said under his breath so that no one else other than those present might hear. Bellatrix nodded, making a face.

"All that time we thought your overly close relationship was innocent," she huffed.

"It was," Regulus protested and Kreacher nodded fervently. "It only changed around new years eve."

Bellatrix rolled her eyes. "Oh wait...I must apologize. If we gave you the impression that we cared or were interested in any of the disgusting details...well we aren't."

Rodolphus snickered.

"The Master and Mistress are already entertaining family and friends in the parlor," Kreacher said, tactfully returning the topic to a matter of current relevance. "They are having drinks. Perhaps Master Regulus, Miss Bella and Mr. Rodolphus would like a drink now as well to celebrate Master Regulus's grand success with the Dark Lord."

When Bellatrix and Rodolphus nodded, Kreacher led the way into the parlor. Regulus's joy was only dampened by the fact that Kreacher wasn't allowed to sit and enjoy drinks with them. Kreacher was the main person with whom Regulus longed to share his success. The fact the elf had to stand to the side, in case anyone needed anything rather than sitting among them as an equal really got to Regulus even more than usual which was saying something. He sat watching Kreacher watching him while his mother praised him for getting into the ranks of the Dark Lord at such an impressively young age. After the second time that Bellatrix had to jab him in the ribs with an elbow because an aunt, uncle or family friend had spoken to him and he hadn't noticed, he turned to his parents.

"Dad...Mum...It would truly mean a lot to me if Kreacher could share in the celebration. He was my rock while I readied myself for the Dark Lord's service and he's one of the family." His mother hesitated, frowning in slight disapproval, but when Regulus smiled and repeated that it would mean quite a lot to him, she relented.

"Oh very well. Anything for you, my dear boy. You are our family pride and truly the salvation of the Black name. We are so proud of you." Though Walburga Black did not speak the name of Regulus's older brother Sirius, it hung like a silent curse in the air nonetheless.

"Thank you, dearest and best of all mothers," Regulus said, giving her a charming smile. "Kreacher, most dear and deserving of friends...Come and sit with me," he happily invited the elf. Now he could fully enjoy his celebration. Kreacher beamed, then shyly cast down his gaze as he rushed to take a seat at Regulus's side. Though he still had to be up and down serving when someone needed more to drink, he was more often than not with Regulus, and for now that would have to do. Regulus couldn't help imagining how grand it would be when Kreacher was free and some other elf was waiting on everyone. Kreacher was so much more than other elves he'd encountered like silly Dobby who served the Malfoys for example. Dobby deserved to serve, but not his Kreacher. Kreacher was better than that and surely destined for greatness.

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