Chapter 75

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"Do you believe that green potion could still be affecting me," Regulus asked.

Even as he spoke, an image came to his mind unbidden of that basin full of phosphorescent green liquid. Green surely for Voldemort's Slytherin pride, but it only served to sully the great name of Salazar.

Though the concept of the potion actually harming him went against everything Regulus understood of vampirism, it did make a sort of horrifying sense.

"Vampires are said to heal from any physical ailment or affliction, but the way that potion twisted and enhanced every fear and negative emotion...does rather seem to be the way I frequently feel, especially when reflecting on my past mistakes even a little," Regulus admitted.

"My feelings are far more watered down, as it were, than the extremes engendered by the potion, though. That could be explained by the vampire blood at least diluting the effects, but if the preservation property which makes vampires what they are also locked this potion into me eternalizing its effects, it could explain a lot."

"Would Dora know," Kreacher asked, hope as well as worry in his expressive blue eyes as they regarded Regulus.

"If so, perhaps she would also know of a way to fix this and rid Master Regulus of the effects of the potion."

"We shall certainly ask," Regulus said.

"We need to return to Doge's anyway to inform him as well as Dora that we are now free to return home."

Suddenly a thought struck him.

"Do you think we should bring Doge something as a farewell and thank you for allowing us to stay at your home for nearly a year sort of gift," he asked Kreacher and the elf nodded slowly.

"If Master Regulus will wait for an hour to depart, Kreacher shall make cookies," he offered.

"He was thinking of the ones Miss Bella so used to enjoy."

A fond smile flickered over his face.

"He may even make enough for her if he is feeling particularly generous."

Regulus chuckled, kissing Kreacher's cheek.

"Very kind of you."

The elf nodded sagely.

"Yes, Kreacher knows."

As Regulus sat up and peered about for their clothes, Kreacher added,"If Master Regulus would like to give something to Elphias Doge that he can keep as well, there is that heavy old mirror in the attic with that heavy iron frame. Kreacher thinks it must be centuries old and he bets Elphias Doge would appreciate it far more than the Black family ever has."

Regulus's lips twitched.

"You mean you don't like the mirror," he said and Kreacher ducked his head, grinning.

"Well Kreacher does find the frame to be hideous. Mistress must have agreed, or why else would it be stuffed away in the attic, Kreacher wonders."

Regulus's amused smile widened as he nodded.

"You have a good point."

He stood and reached for their clothes, passing Kreacher's tunic to him before tugging on his own green robe.

"I'm sure Doge will find it to be an interesting old piece," he said of the mirror.

The thing had a very interesting twisted old iron frame unlike anything Regulus had ever seen before. Surely it was one of those one of a kind artist creations, and it was most definitely old. He could take it or leave it, but if it did not please Kreacher, he didn't mind passing it on to Doge, for he certainly had no personal attachment to the thing.

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