Chapter 86

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"So who are you planning to pay to test it's dread effects," Dora asked Severus, lips twitching in dry amusement.

Severus frowned, mildly taken aback.

"I assumed Regulus would sort that bit as this is being done for him. I will attempt to make the potion, of course sending you the bill for ingredients, Regulus. I don't ask anything for helping as you did play a large part in saving my life. Besides I'd help a friend regardless. We all have such few true friends, considering none of us fit in most places."

"I was asking because I have a suggestion for testers," Dora said.

"Regulus or I can simply hypnotize a Muggle into coming to drink the potion, then we'll make them forget the experience after."

Mag frowned. "Can you cause them to forget even down to their subconscious? Because if not they could have dreadful nightmares."

Dora shrugged.

"We probably can, but we'll still make sure it's someone who deserves to have nightmares if it happens."

"I'd say we could just feed from them after, but I don't even want anyone's blood who's had that potion after seeing what it's done to Regulus."

She shuddered.

Mag nodded.

"Very wise of you."

"So when do healers come into play in this project," Kreacher asked.

"And how do we find the best healers. Because we don't just want good healers, we want the best...from where ever they happen to be, no matter how far."

"Trustworthy and discrete are also good qualities," Regulus said.

"We hoped you two may have some suggestions. I've been out of the loop for so long and Kreacher has basically as well, having had no need to seek out a healer for any reason."

As he spoke, Regulus's own words brought back the sharp recollection that his Mum had likely handled her illness alone with whatever healers could advise her and that thought hurt. His poor Mum, all alone with a fatal illness! All because of Voldemort along with Regulus's own stupid choices. As the familiar misery rose in him at these thoughts, Regulus found himself wondering how much was his own justified self hate and how much was the potion. It had a way of twisting a person's mind in upon itself so that in the end one hardly knew what was true anymore.

"I can ask Griphook about goblin healers if you like," Mag said.

"Their curse-breakers are certainly impressive so if their healers are in the same category, that's who you want."

Regulus nodded.

"Thank you. That sounds promising."

Dora grinned.

"Yes, I would like to see goblins again."

"She went to the bank with us," Regulus explained, unable to suppress an amused smile.

"The bank is brilliant," Mag enthused.
"Did you get a look at their gemstones? They have such an amazing array."

"A bit," Dora said, nodding.

"I'm sure I could've spent all night there and still not have seen it all, though."

Mag nodded.

"For sure. They have floors that go down for miles! They store their own treasures and goblin made items there as well as money and personal treasures for wizards."

"How will the healers use Severus's potion if he is able to replicate the one from the cave," Kreacher asked, bringing the topic back around to the matter at hand.

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