Chapter 134

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"Why do you care about all this anyway," Griphook asked, sharp black gaze moving between Kreacher and Regulus.

"It's not as if we can change the past."

Wasn't that the sad truth?! Regulus nodded.

"At times, knowing where one's power comes from, can lead to more ways to apply it that may not have been considered before," he pointed out.

"In Kreacher's case, especially, as many elves are limited to the home so they waste their talents on cooking, cleaning, and magically mending clothes."

He was unable to keep the scathing tone from his voice, as he'd always believed Kreacher was destined for so much more. Once the two of them had big plans to be great together...perhaps that could still happen. Dare he hope? Dare he reach for such?

Though the old comforting fear that restrained him was ever present and eagerly reaching for his soul, whispering that he would only drastically ruin anything he attempted to the extreme detriment of others, Regulus pushed the inner darkness away. Today he dared hope.

"So you wish to discover the limits of elf magic," Griphook asked Kreacher who nodded slowly.

"I'd have a care," Griphook warned, holding up a finger.

"Keep at that too publicly and elves shall be just as restricted as goblins. Just as we are not allowed to possess a wand, you will not be allowed to use your magic for anything other than the tasks Regulus just mentioned. If you think slavery is as bad as it gets, do think again. If wizards and witches see you rising too high above what they believe your place or station should be, you shall surely discover...unpleasant consequences."

Kreacher nodded, expression becoming pensive at Griphook's words.

"Yes, Kreacher understands," he murmured.

"Griphook is wise."

"Sorry about that," the goblin replied dryly, giving a crooked smile.

Several seconds passed, each person at the table in their own thoughts while those who could enjoyed the delicious meal that was set before them. Eventually Kreacher was the first to speak as often was the case.

"But Kreacher still wishes to know what his magic can do. He hears Griphook's warning, and he shall be careful, though. He has plans to have children some day, however, and he wishes more for them. He wishes them to be Pureblood Squared for the Ancient And Noble House Of Black."

Griphook's jaw dropped briefly as he gaped in shock at Kreacher.

"Oh! But I and he were...Well then, I suppose I very much misunderstood something along the way!"

Kreacher shook his head and Regulus couldn't suppress a grin at the look on the goblin's face. He'd bet a great deal that shock was an extremely rare expression to see on the face of a goblin.

"Kreacher does not believe that Griphook misunderstood. Kreacher plans to have the children with Master Regulus. This is why it is so important to know all that those children could potentially do. Because they shall be carrying on the line of Black."

Griphook frowned, shaking his head.

"Now you're just having me on. We all know that's impossible!"

Kreacher smirked in satisfaction at the goblin's continuously amusing reactions.

"It is Kreacher's hope that it is very possible with the proper application of transfiguration from the strongest wizard at the art there is. If anyone can take a transfiguration further than skin deep, it is Albus Dumbledore."

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