Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Bet you didn't think I'd take it that far

As the truth about the Dark Lord unfolded through the information Kreacher, then Regulus shared, Bellatrix and the two Lestrange brothers listened in silence. They even wore similar expressions as they processed what was being revealed to them. Surprise faded to numb shock, then disbelief, fear, and at last horror.

"Please tell us that this is some sort of sick joke," Bellatrix pleaded.

"It is indeed sick, but there is no joke involved, I am afraid," Orion said grimly.

"He...was going to just leave Kreacher to die...for no reason," Bellatrix breathed, looking as though she would be sick. "He asked you for something, then...did that," she told Regulus, as though he weren't aware. "That's how he treats loyal service! For all we know, we could be next!" She shook her head, horror giving way to grief as she seemed to draw in on herself, huddling down into her chair.

"Yes," Regulus said. "We gave him so much of us...I gave him Kreacher's services because I trusted and adored him. He repaid that trust by nearly killing the person I love most."

"And even if he doesn't think all that much of elves, you'd think he'd at least find it fitting to return property to those who trusted him enough to lend it," Rabastan said. "Mum always says if someone wants to borrow money and never repays it, that says a lot about their character...and a family elf is worth far more than a few galleons."

"Shut up, Rabastan," Bellatrix snapped.

"Well it's true," Rabastan persisted.

"I didn't say that it wasn't true," Bellatrix snapped, glaring at her future brother in law. "I merely said that I wanted you to shut the fuck up!"

"Language, Bella," Orion chastised mildly.

"Sorry, Uncle. I just thought what with the discovery that the Dark Lord is a soulless monster, it may not fucking matter so much if I swear!"

"Respecting one's elders always matters, Bellatrix," Orion said sharply. "And my soul is still very much intact so you will respect it."

Bellatrix flushed, lowering her head, properly chastised. "Apologies, Uncle," she murmured, this time in seeming sincerity.

"So what now," Rodolphus asked, finally speaking up.

"He must be stopped," Regulus insisted. "If he notices that Kreacher is still alive, he may suspect that he's told us something. We could all be in danger as a consequence of his paranoia. He obviously doesn't value anyone's life, not even his own if you ask me. He values being alive, but that isn't the same thing. No one valuing true life would bloody fracture their own soul. Who knows what that has done to his sanity? It's surely done something, else he believes us all to be stupid. Didn't he think I'd wonder where Kreacher is and perhaps mention it to all of you," he demanded. As Regulus spoke,he found himself getting more and more worked up. This was a surprise because he thought he'd processed the situation and at least gotten the initial reaction over with. Telling the Lestranges and Bellatrix had set the fire of anger off in his chest again, however, and he felt consumed by it just as he had when Kreacher first came home with the world shattering news.

"Likely he assumed you'd be willing to sacrifice anything he asked you to without question, which in a sense indicates that decrease in sanity you mentioned," Bellatrix said. "We all like Kreacher, but the point is you really love that elf and for him to just throw something away that you's unnecessarily cruel and shows that he cares nothing for his followers when it comes down to it." She shuddered, hands rubbing up and down her slender arms in an open gesture of self soothing. "Gods now I'm wondering why he gave me those private lessons! I thought I was so accomplished that I even impressed him, but now I wonder. Was he setting me up to do something twisted for him and then take the fall?" She shook her head. "And to use Kreacher in such a way...One must wonder what sort of mind would even come up with that potion...and use it on someone who was entirely loyal...We can't trust him for that if nothing else! Not to mention knowing the regard in which you hold Kreacher, Regulus. He saw you with him, and it only takes a few seconds for anyone with eyes to be well aware of how you dote on that elf. To throw away that which is beloved by a loyal follower...why that's no leader we can ever trust! What will he do to us next?" Her gaze flew to Rodolphus, then back to her uncle as she continued to verbally attempt to process what happened. "He repaid Regulus's loyalty by taking something from him that he loved. I don't want to give him the opportunity to do that to us."

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