Chapter 82

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"Is Miss Dora eager to meet the boy who lived, then owned the wand that killed The Dark Lord," Kreacher asked Dora.

Amusement twitched the corners of his mouth as he spoke.

"I'm actually looking more forward to seeing a goblin," Dora replied, an eager sparkle in her gentle brown eyes as she smiled back at Kreacher.

The three were about to depart to meet Harry Potter and Griphook at Gringotts so that Regulus would officially own his own home once again. The concept had Regulus feeling a mix of nervous and excited. It almost felt like some coming of age ceremony, or in his particular case, perhaps more of a coming back to life ceremony as far as society was concerned.

"Ready," Kreacher asked.

When Regulus and Dora nodded, he apparated them directly in front of the towering white marble building that was Gringotts.

Dora peered up at the structure with a thoughtful frown.

"It doesn't look too fancy," she commented in obvious disappointment.

"It's better inside, especially when you get to the gold and jewels," Regulus said, lips twitching in dry amusement.

"Are we looking at gold and jewels just to get your house signed back over to you," Dora asked and Regulus shook his head.

"That's doubtful. They are fancy, though, even when we're not looking at them. It's the philosophy of the thing. The gold and jewels still glitter when our eyes aren't on them just as the tree makes a sound even though no ego ridden human is about to hear it."

Dora chuckled and shook her head as they moved together toward the bank's large bronze door where a goblin dressed in scarlet and gold stood on guard. He must have expected them for he opened without a word to reveal a darkened lobby that smelled heavily of fresh parchment. The room was large with row upon row of long marble counters. During the work day, at least one hundred goblins sat working at them, but this evening, there was only one seated at the end of the counter closest to the right of the door.

"Mr. Potter was early. You were just on time. You should've been early," Griphook said, looking up at Regulus with an accusatory frown that stated clearly how put out he was.

Kreacher sniffed, drawing the goblin's sharp black eyes to him.

"Griphook has dust on his suit," the elf pronounced disdainfully.

To Kreacher's credit, Griphook glanced down with a mild look of alarm on his face.

"No he does not," he snapped peevishly, upon discovering a dust free suit.

Having gotten the rise he intended none the less, Kreacher snickered.

"Hello, Harry," Regulus greeted politely as they entered the bank.

Harry Potter had been so kind to readily and willingly return Regulus's home to him that he felt oddly formal continuing to refer to him as Mr. Potter and hoped he wouldn't mind the familiarity. Even if they would not be friends due to Harry's obvious love for Sirius that seemed to equal Regulus and Kreacher's hatred for him, they could at least be friendly.

Harry was seated on one of the high backed ornate chairs along the room's far wall, but at sight of Regulus and co, he stood, giving an awkward smile of greeting.

"Hello, Regulus, Kreacher."

He smiled at Dora.

"And, Madam."

Dora regarded Harry with studied curiosity.

"Pandora. I am Regulus's maker," she said quietly before Regulus could make introductions.

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