Chapter 113

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For several minutes, Walburga chatted with Ariana about families. Dumbledores, Blacks, other old wizarding families. It seemed that Regulus's mother was as proper in death as she had been in life when it came to the appropriate social niceties. It was always easier when she found a person interesting, and it appeared Ariana met that requirement. Orion, Regulus and Kreacher remained politely silent as the two women chatted.

As the physical contact with Ariana was no longer necessary now that the spirits of the parents were present, Kreacher and Regulus held hands, for once able to do so in front of family without fearing a reprimand or worse. Regulus was more than sorry that this was finally the case when the family could no longer live together in the same realm. That thought brought a question to his mind and waiting for a lag in the female chat, he turned to Ariana.

"Now that we've established contact, are we able to do this often?"

He beamed at Orion and Walburga, who both wore expressions of eager interest. If they could transverse death to have family gatherings, how wonderful that would be! All eyes were on Ariana as the necromancer hesitated.

"I don't usually recommend it," she said regretfully.

"It can be problematic for those who have already crossed over, causing them to miss their mortal lives far too much, making their life beyond, discordant. It can also cause the living to fall deeper into grief, being unable to completely let go."

"But we don't want to let go," Regulus insisted.

Kreacher nodded.

"I want to see my family," Orion said.

"We have already missed so much time together."

"We take any and all responsibility for any discordant problems," Walburga asserted haughtily.

"But we wish to see our son...and Kreacher."

Ariana frowned.

"It can make things difficult if you are suddenly no longer able to see one another."

"And why would such a thing happen," Walburga demanded, chin suddenly in the air as her eyes narrowed into her trademark piercing glare that meant anyone on the other end of that look had better do what she wanted and fast.

"If either or both of you reincarnate into another life before Regulus and Kreacher die, there is likely little advanced notice, and you will not be able to say a final farewell. They will be left to grieve your loss all over again while your spirit begins a new life, uneasy from not having allowed yourself to let go of this one. It can cause psychological problems," she insisted, seemingly unmoved by Walburga's glare.

"And as they're both vampires, I don't think they shall be dying any time soon."

"THEY'RE WHAT," Walburga shrieked.

It was then that Regulus realized that Orion could not have told his mother EVERYTHING, simply because he did not know it. The vampirism situation was most definitely part of the explaining he'd known he had to do to his parents. With his mother already so very familiar with everything else surrounding the Voldemort situation, he'd somehow forgotten that she couldn't know about that bit. Orion would've had no way of knowing of Regulus's choice to become a vampire to avoid Voldemort's vengeance. He was already dead when Regulus made the decision.

"Yes...Well I chose to become a vampire when I was relatively certain that Voldemort wouldn't allow me to live if I remained as I was, a weak mortal all too easy to strike down with a killing curse. Considering what he'd done to Father, I knew well that I hadn't a chance if he wanted me dead. I knew vampirism would give me an edge...Several actually."

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