Chapter 125

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Over the next few days, Regulus worked on a set list for the Halloween performance at Durmstrang. When his list was complete, he sent Mag a copy so she could familiarize herself with each in case there were any she didn't know.

He requested a list from her of all the songs she wished to add so that he could do the same. The songs he chose were geared toward the holiday itself, but one in particular, though most definitely a suitable song for Halloween, was chosen as a surprise for Kreacher. Nosferatu by Blue Oyster Cult was a simple yet haunting song, and as Kereston compared Kreacher to the look of that particular vampire, Regulus hoped he'd be flattered.

The other songs he chose were, Spooky by Classics IV, Ghost of John, Night of the Vampire By Roky Erickson, Scream by the Misfits, Play That Scary Music, by Blue Mountain, Spooky Scary Skeletons by Andrew Gold, Thriller by Michael Jackson, and of course Bedlam Boys. When he sent Mag the list she only added one song, saying that he'd covered all the good ones otherwise. It was one he was unfamiliar with, Behind the Mask, by Fleetwood Mac. As he always enjoyed the group, he was eager to give it a listen, so picked up the record while out hunting the very next evening.

For his part, Kreacher got to work right away on the redecorating of 12 Grimmauld. As promised, Kereston's mum sent over a literal ton of catalogs from which Kreacher found everything he wanted to Regulus's surprise. The items arrived no later than three days after the order for them was placed, which was admittedly impressive. Kreacher kept the old Gothic flair of the place, but made it more elaborate. He replaced old ebony chairs with near thrones composed of crouching gargoyles. The heavy antique tables and bookshelves were moved into the attic and replaced with more ornate versions covered in old scroll work. He left the family portraits in their original frames as they were, and of course the troll foot umbrella stand.

To the joy of both Kreacher and Regulus, one of the catalogs that Kereston's mum sent over also offered rare books. They added many exciting new tomes to their library on various topics from ancient lost lore of the Greek Gods to a guide to magical cities buried by earthquakes. According to the book jacket, wizards once had many more places to live where they safely hid away from Muggles until too much use of powerful magic in one area caused the earth to protest.

Regulus ordered five copies of that particular book, as it was never too early to begin holiday shopping. The Westcravens, Severus and Mag, Blaise and Gellert as well as Millicent and Wolfgang would all b fascinated by the prospect of lost wizarding cities.

Who knew, perhaps they could all go on a vacation together to attempt hunting some of the most interesting cities down. If they could manage to apparate some ancient magical items out from under buried rubble, that would be something else indeed! Such a prospect was definitely one that Regulus and Kreacher both found thrilling!

"Perhaps you, Blaise and Gellert can construct some sort of magical dousing rod," Regulus suggested.

"We could pass it over all the ruins we can get to to see if any magical artifacts survived."

Kreacher's face broke into an eager smile as he excitedly threw his arms around Regulus.

"Brilliant Master Regulus! Kreacher shall speak to Blaise and Gellert about it right away...Only he can't explain why until they receive their copy of the book for Christmas," he added, expression going crestfallen.

"It's still a good idea even if they don't know why, though," Regulus said.

"It will make even more sense once they receive the book, but all the same, I think they'd find it a worthy project."

"Very well," Kreacher said, nodding.

"He shall write them about it right now and see when they'd like to get together and begin working on it. The concept is rather complicated, but Kreacher believes we can sort it out."

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