Chapter 159

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Chapter 159, Basilisk

"So do you reckon Hagatha and Balthazar wanted Regulus to consider the basilisk because Ariana had one with her," Walburga asked. The necromancer in question was being shown out by Hydra and Loughness so that she would not be late for her own holiday family plans.

Orion nodded thoughtfully. "I wasn't certain. I thought it was more of an interesting coincidence, actually. The basilisk has always been the Little King whether Ms. Dumbledore has one with her or not, after all."

"Don't be snarky, Orion," Walburga snapped.

Kreacher had been staring fixedly into space, processing the meeting with his parents and trying to decide how he felt about it. The strange words from Orion and Walburga caused him to blink at them in confusion as he returned his attention to the hear and now. "Kreacher saw no basilisk, and he should think one would be rather difficult to miss."

He exchanged a glance with Regulus. Both clearly wondered if the parents were alright. What if seeing their old friends had upset them more than anyone knew?

"Hm," Walburga mused. "Do you think no one else saw it?"

"Clearly they didn't," Orion said.

"Unless they're having us on," Walburga speculated.

"Now would hardly be the time, Burga," Orion pointed out and she nodded.

"True enough." Glancing over at Kreacher and Regulus she added, "Why you couldn't see it is beyond me, but Ariana Dumbledore had the specter of a giant basilisk wrapped around her. It was sort of...cuddling her and whispering into her ear. I don't understand Parseltongue, so I have no idea what it was saying."

"I didn't think she did either," Regulus said. "Understand Parseltongue that is."

"Perhaps as a necromancer she understands all spirits," Kreacher speculated. Everyone nodded in agreement to that.

"Sounds reasonable," Orion said, giving Kreacher an approving smile.

"But what was she doing with a basilisk, though," Walburga asked.

"I'm honestly surprised you didn't just ask her," Regulus said frankly.

Walburga frowned, hands moving indignantly to her hips. "My dead friends who accidentally died while attempting to help us place safety wards on this home were here, Regulus. I was focused on them."

Regulus opened his mouth to point out that Ariana and her ghostly basilisk were still here for a few moments after Kreacher's parents had departed, but he didn't dare vex or challenge his mother while she was clearly in a mood. Instead he said, "Well she did speak to Slytherin's ghost, and he had a basilisk or two I believe."

Walburga jerked her head in a nod at him. "Now you're thinking. Only why does she have Slytherin's basilisk? Should it not prefer his company to that of a necromancer?"

Regulus chuckled. "Unfortunately, Mother, I do not have all the answers."

"A pity," Walburga muttered peevishly.

"Did either of you see it," Orion asked when Loughness and Hydra reentered the room.

The twins exchanged a glance. "Probably not," Loughness said.

"See what," Hydra asked at the same time.

"The specter of the basilisk wrapped around Ariana Dumbledore and whispering into her ear," Walburga answered.

"Um, no," Loughness said. "And that's odd, as magical ghosts can always be seen."

"Have we ever seen the ghosts of magical animals, though," Hydra protested.

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