Chapter 141

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Regulus and Kreacher were at first shocked, then overjoyed to be having twins. Two heirs...two opportunities to continue the line of House Black. Two opportunities to...Get it right. Right away they began preparing two of the guest rooms for the children. even though they wouldn't be used for a few years yet. For a bit , the twins would remain in the nursery. Doing something to ready the house for their presence felt necessary, though, providing an effective way to channel the excitement over the impending pitter patter of little feet.

The guest rooms were being used because Regulus and Kreacher couldn't bring themselves to put either child in Sirius's room. They deserved better. Orion and Walburga's room was off limits as well, though for far more respectful reasons. The manor had fourteen guest rooms, though, so there would never be a space shortage any time soon.

Regulus had last used the nursery and though he and Kreacher considered remodeling and refurbishing it, they decided to leave it as it was aside from adding in an extra bassinet. The crib was large enough for two, especially as the children were half elf, they would be smaller than average wizards.

Regulus couldn't wait to see what the twins would look like. Nearly right away, he and Kreacher began to discuss names. Eventually they decided to wait until the healers could determine the sex of both children.

Gergana turned down any offers of assistance Regulus and Kreacher offered including caring for her for the next nine months. She was an independent woman who wanted nothing but their money and made no secret of it. She promised to care for herself well, though, and to visit the healers once weekly. Regulus and Kreacher felt the goblin twins would most definitely make an issue if, for any reason, they didn't feel Gergana was caring for herself properly, so they gave her her way on the matter.

They only saw her on that weekly visit with the healers that they'd decided to attend as well. It gave them the connection they needed with the pregnancy. A way to participate as it were. At each weekly visit, the healers assured an equally nervous Regulus and Kreacher that the twins were developing properly.

Both men, though initially elated, kept waiting for the disappointment of a miscarriage or some other developmental issue even though their hopes were high. The concept was so new, both were afraid to simply let go and believe it had truly worked...At least at first.

It wasn't that they didn't have faith in Kreacher's brilliant idea or in the abilities of everyone who had so kindly participated. It was just that this was the first time anything along these lines was ever attempted, so failure was, in a way, to be expected. It would've been a painful let down, though, which made the fear of it even more gripping during those first few weeks. With the reality in sight now, the disappointment of not having heirs for House Black after all would've been devastating.

It was on the eighteen week mark that the healers announced the sex of the children.

"Ready to know what you're having," Gara asked.

Regulus eagerly squeezed the hand of Kreacher that he'd already been clutching as they both nearly shouted a resounding "YES!"

Gergana mock frowned.

"No," she murmured, shaking her head.

"I think we should vait and be surprised. I'm carrying them, so don't I get a vote?"

"Kreacher doesn't think so," the elf responded confidently.

Gergana laughed.

"I suspected as much...and besides, I'm just as curious as the two of you are. Vat are ve having," she asked Gara.

"A boy and a girl," Gara replied, and Grub nodded sagely in agreement to his twin's findings.

"It's rather fascinating, twins watching the development of other twins," he commented thoughtfully.

The two goblins were so talented that there was hardly anything to these weekly visits. Gergana didn't even have to undress or lie down. She merely stood before them and they lifted their hands, turning their palms toward her as they scanned her with magic. It always took less than a minute, so the visits were short.

"Now we can finally begin picking out names," Regulus told Kreacher excitedly.

"Kreacher already has some ideas on the matter," the elf replied at once.

"For a few weeks, he has been considering names for both genders. What does Master Regulus think of Hydra for the girl?"

Regulus gave a pleased smile as he nodded.

"Brilliant as usual," he complimented honestly.

"Hydra fits the constellation theme of the Black family tradition and gives a nod to Slytherin as well as Hydra is a serpent like water creature."

He gave a pleased chuckle as he quipped, "Not to mention having the ability to grow two more heads if one is cut off gives her a very powerful advantage."

Kreacher puffed himself up with pride, beaming in satisfaction.

"That's precisely what Kreacher thought! He is glad that Master Regulus approves."

"And the boy," Regulus asked.

"What are your thoughts for him?"

Kreacher frowned, his entire body leaning toward Regulus as he spoke, round blue eyes thoughtful and a little intense in that way Regulus always found especially pleasurable to behold. It always meant Kreacher was about to be particularly clever, which he ever found to be mentally stimulating.

"For him, Kreacher was thinking a first and middle name like Master Regulus. The first would be Lochness, in honor of another water monster, the Loch Ness monster, only with the arcane spelling o to make him more special. And Aldebaran, to give him the star for the family tradition."

Regulus bent and swept Kreacher into his arms, kissing him soundly in front of everyone. Kreacher clung to him tightly, reciprocating as his eyes sparkled with pleasure.

"Master Regulus finds this to be a suitable name," he asked, clearly knowing the answer.

"Of course I do. It's different, properly dark, and of course perfectly suitable. Though Aldebaran is the brightest star in Taurus, it hasn't been used in our family as far as I am aware. That means if I'm wrong, it's so far back that no one recalls. This allows him to be different, while still keeping tradition which suits his entire existence perfectly. Once more, you are a genius, my friend," he told Kreacher.

"And as the Hydra sits on the back of the Lestrange constellation of raven Corvus, her name is also a nod to them."

Kreacher smiled, though his eyes were nearly solemn for both he and Regulus felt the gravity of this moment.

"Exactly. Kreacher is very fond of them and wanted them to be included. He is pleased that Master Regulus noticed."

Regulus couldn't resist bending to kiss him again.

"I always notice," he said softly.

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