Chapter 61

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"I wonder," Regulus began, lowering his wand and turning to Mag.

"As you're already here, if you'd like to play some more music together. I really enjoyed it last time."

Mag's face lit with an eager smile as her large green eyes danced.

"Oh that would be grand! I'll just go quick and grab my fiddle. I'll be back in just a moment."

"Great," Regulus enthused. Mag apparated away and he hurried upstairs for his guitar. When he returned, he found Kreacher looking rather ill.

"Are you alright, Love," he asked, exuberant excitement giving way to a nearly heart stopping concern. If anything were to befall the elf, he didn't think he could stand it.

"You really should become a vampire soon," he muttered half to himself.

"Then I will no longer have to worry that you could fall ill or otherwise be taken from me."

Kreacher straightened, giving a weak smile as he shook his head.

"Kreacher is sorry. Kreacher did not mean to worry his Dear Master Regulus. He is quite well, he promises."

Regulus frowned doubtfully.

"Well you didn't look at all fine a moment ago."

Kreacher shifted uncomfortably on the sofa, glancing away from Regulus and back again before speaking.

"The discomfort was not of a physical nature. Kreacher promises."

When Regulus's frown of concern did not fade, Kreacher rose up and twined his arms tightly around Regulus's waist.

"Kreacher is in good health. He will never leave Master Regulus," the elf murmured.

"He promises."

Yes, it was he who'd done the leaving, if very inadvertently, Regulus thought as an inner jolt of pain reminded him of just how inferior he was. He dropped the guitar beside Kreacher on the sofa and returned the elf's embrace.

"I'm so sorry, Kreacher," he whispered against the elf's cheek.

Kreacher sighed, patting Regulus's hair.

"Kreacher knows. Kreacher..." but the elf was interrupted by the sound of a crack as Mag reappeared, fiddle case in hand.

The two hastily drew apart and Regulus seated himself on the sofa beside Kreacher.

"What would you like to play," Regulus asked and Mag shrugged.

"You decide. I really enjoyed your last choice...It helped me to stretch my bardic wings, as it were."

Regulus slid a glance to Kreacher, still concerned over the pained expression the elf had worn when he'd come back down stairs.

"So what was it, if it wasn't physical," he prompted, not caring in the slightest that Mag was present.

It was more important to know that his friend was alright these days than to concern himself with social niceties.

Kreacher ducked his head and squirmed.

"It is nothing. Kreacher was just hoping that Master Regulus could choose a different song...the last one was so very sad."

"Something faster perhaps," Mag suggested, seeming to pick up on the important points of the conversation without requiring the details. Regulus gave her a grateful smile, nodding as he considered. Though his mind was unable to come up with a fast song at present, he did recall one that Kreacher may like.

"There is a very pretty song, that you may enjoy," he told the elf.

"It used to depress me quite a lot when I was away, actually."

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