Chapter 63

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"Think about it," Regulus said.

"Because after Voldemort apparently created seven, I certainly have. Then I began connecting what I have discovered about Horcruxes to what I knew of the Elder wand. Back as a student at Hogwarts I was fascinated by the history of famous artifacts, reading everything the restricted section had about any and all of them. It was documented that the Elder wand's former owners felt it was sentient. It was said that the thing seemed to have its own personality and will. This is also true of a Horcrux."

"Very well," Gellert said slowly.

His expression was, at present, as difficult to read as his mind, but at least he did not seem to disbelieve, so Regulus continued.

"Did you experience this sentience with the wand," he asked and Gellert nodded.

"It was quite the unique experience. Like having a magical partner of sorts in some ways."

As Gellert spoke, Regulus caught another mental flash of Blaise Zabini. As if Gellert thought of the young man as a similar sort of magical partner. Well that was alright, and far healthier, Regulus thought.

"Do you believe it could have betrayed you in the end," Regulus asked and Gellert slowly shook his head.

"I don't see how. It was all so sudden.

"Nonetheless, I still do not believe that any Horcrux can be trusted," Regulus said.

"I believe that it would have betrayed you eventually had you kept it much longer."

"Alright," Gellert said carefully.

His expression was considering if not completely convinced.

"If it truly did not cost you any battle victories, you were extremely fortunate. In the end, it turned on all of its owners if my theory is correct. Keep in mind what sort of person actually wants to create a Horcrux," Regulus said.

"Not at all a sane or savory one. Perhaps it gets a thrill from switching owners to personally experience various types of dark wizards, relishing the way each operates for its own twisted entertainment."

Gellert nodded.

"Point taken."

Regulus smiled.

"That is good. Because I don't feel it would be safe for anyone to keep the thing. I like you and I would hate to see anything befall you for placing your trust in a Horcrux simply because it came in the guise of a powerful wand."

Regulus knew that he may be crossing a boundary in speaking so frankly, because this was none of his business. He had a feeling, though, that Grindelwald had had no one back in the day to tell him these things. Followers, even if cherished, were not friends who cared enough to say what required saying even when it could be uncomfortable.

Friends dared what followers never would. Now Gellert had friends to care in the way only friends would. He had Blaise of course, and Kereston with whom he seemed close. Regulus assumed as things had changed, perhaps friendly concern would be welcome and heeded.

"Well as I said I no longer have the thing so I am entirely safe."

Gellert flashed a bright smile that did not quite touch his eyes. It made Regulus think he still missed the wand, at least a little. That was logical, though. Such a powerful and likely addictive magical tool had to have a pull to it. A lure that must be difficult to resist. It was the main reason Regulus would never pursue such a thing himself fascinating though it may be.

"But if you ever got an inkling of where it had gotten to, would you want it again," he asked.

Gellert shook his head, meeting Regulus's gaze directly. When he spoke, Regulus believed he was telling the truth.

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