Chapter 122

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"Do you think we shall truly be good parents," Regulus asked Kreacher.

"Do you think this will actually work?"

Hell was he babbling? The fact he and Kreacher could perhaps have a child together some day was still sinking in as was the utter brilliance of Kreacher's concept concerning how to arrange such a thing. Regulus sat on the edge of their bed, watching Kreacher undressing in the darkness. It was a few minutes past three A.M and all the party guests had only just gone home.

"Why would we not be good parents," Kreacher asked, tossing his tunic on a nearby chair.

"We were raised well by good parents, were we not? We still uphold proper values. We shall serve as shining examples for any child."

"You don't think the vampirism will present a problem," Regulus asked as Kreacher stepped closer.

The elf frowned.

"Vampirism can also serve as a shining example, Kreacher thinks. We did not die like cowards or noble fools. We survived any way we could, and if vampirism helped that, it is a strength."

Regulus nodded.

"Yes, yes. I've come to terms with that. I no longer feel that choice has tainted my blood and if anyone else in high wizarding circles believes otherwise, I have a few facts for them."

He gave Kreacher a grim smile.

"But that's not what I meant," he added, expression becoming one of concern as his mind returned to his true worry.

"I meant...well I'm concerned that our vampirism could negatively affect a child. We won't be awake in the daylight hours ever, so we won't be able to attend to them."

Kreacher nodded.

"Yes, Kreacher considered that. This is why we are waiting until Kreacher gets the four elves he requires."

"Well as we don't even have a single one, we shall be waiting a while," Regulus said with a grin.

"I do understand your point, though.

He sighed.

"I'm just concerned that even with someone taking care of our child during the day, the night won't afford us enough time with them. After all, children sleep at night."

"Does Master Regulus not want children," Kreacher asked quietly.

Regulus felt his eyes widen.

"Of course I do! It's just...frightening a bit, knowing that you're now in charge of the life of a person...a being that you made."

Kreacher smiled, nodding in understanding as he sat beside Regulus on the bed.

"Kreacher understands, but he thinks very highly of himself and of his darling, beautiful Master Regulus. He believes we shall sort it all out, and we shall be wonderful parents."

Regulus smiled softly, nodding as he reached to draw Kreacher close.

"The idea of looking into a child's face and seeing traces of us together is just amazing," he said, feeling a lump rising in his throat as he spoke.

Kreacher smiled, nodding and reaching to place a hand on Regulus's cheek.

"Just as Master Regulus wanted long ago, we shall be just like any other couple in every way."

Regulus chuckled.

"When I said that, I never expected children to be an option, so you have surpassed any expectations I could've had on that."

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