Chapter 84

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"Well for a vampire to throw up we have to consume either too much blood or something our body is no longer supposed to process," Dora said.

"Such as food or drink," Regulus asked, glancing at the remains of Kreacher's lunch, or dinner, or whatever it was.

Dora nodded.

"Yes, that should work, and the more the better if you want to make sure to get all of the potion out of you. If you just throw up a little, it may not be enough to bring the potion out of the lower level of your stomach where it likely is. Eating only a little will make you throw up only a little so eat a lot. Or drink, either way should work."

Regulus made a face. The concept was abhorrent, but he knew it had to be done.

Being frequently miserable and full of self hatred was worse, after all. Having any part of that cave inside of him, anything that Voldemort created inside of him was far far worse.

"Let's do it, then. Shall I drink or eat?"

Dora shrugged.
"Neither is going to taste desirable to you anymore, so in that it hardly matters. Drinking is faster, though."

Regulus nodded.

"We have wine and fire whisky stored in the basement. I suppose I'll have a bottle of wine. Is that enough to do it, do you think," he asked Dora and she nodded.

"It should be but you could always make it two to be safe."

At Regulus's reluctant expression, she raised elegant brows.
"That potion isn't normal. It may need to be...loosened up or what have you for all I know."

"Fine, two bottles of wine to be safe, then," Regulus said, standing with a sigh.

"I'll go get them and drink them here with the two of you. I do hate the idea of drinking alone," he quipped, lips curving into a slight smile as he found a mild bit of humor in the blasted situation.

Kreacher shifted the tray of food on his lap and stood.

"Kreacher shall bring the wine up for Master Regulus," he said.

Regulus shook his head firmly.

"You stay and finish eating. I won't have you interrupting your meal to do what I can easily do for myself."

"But Kreacher can do it faster," the elf protested with a slight exasperated frown.

"Not much faster," Regulus said and feeling a grin spreading on his face he applied vampiric speed to the situation, darting from the library in under a second. In less than ten he had vaulted the stairs and was deep within the dark cold basement. It took him half a minute or so to locate the wine wrack, but soon he'd grabbed two bottles and was heading back up stairs. When he reentered the library, he grinned at Kreacher.

"Kreacher still could've done it faster," the elf challenged with a resentful frown.

"Nonetheless, it didn't take me long at all, and I am tired of you doing everything for me all the time when I want you to relax a bit more."

Regulus placed one bottle on the table and studied the cork on the other. He'd forgotten an opener.

With a smirk, Kreacher pointed at the bottle and the cork flew out with a loud pop.

"Kreacher does hope Master Regulus did not mind the help," the elf murmured dryly, and Regulus laughed.

"And now you're just being mean."

Even as he spoke, he felt his stomach turning at the very scent of the wine. Dora was correct. It was not going to taste good. When he'd first become a vampire she'd told him that he would not mourn the taste of food or drink for it would no longer appeal to him and in fact would be repulsive instead. This had been true. It still was.

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