Chapter 100

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For months Regulus had been contemplating the prospect of talking with the resurrected spirits of his parents. Knowing that this was an option, thanks to the resurrection stone, was at once painful and thrilling. Painful because he'd have to face them and thus his own failings, which in various ways had cost both their lives or at least contributed to their loss. Thrilling because, of course he wanted the opportunity to speak to his parents again...To see how they were, to apologize for...everything and most important of all to tell them how very much he loved and missed them. He'd been contemplating it for months, rather than acting upon it for a few reasons. The first was the simple fact that he had to psych himself up to actually face his parents. It was going to hurt as much as it may be joyful. The other reason involved the resurrection stone itself, though.

He'd told Gellert his theory that The Elder Wand was a Horcrux. If all three Hallows were, he would be dealing with a Horcrux to talk to his parents and there could be potential dangers of which said parents certainly would not approve. Also if it put him at any risk, even of being ensnared by the thing, he owed Kreacher more than that after everything. Granted he didn't know that the resurrection stone was a Horcrux, but it could be, and in complete honesty, he felt it likely was way down in his instincts.

This didn't mean he would have to entirely let go of the idea of briefly reuniting with his parents. Though few and far between, there were some legitimate mediums; necromancers too. Of course he didn't want to raise the zombies or, gods forbid, Inferi of his parents, but some necromancers, if skilled enough, could just raise the spirit rather than the flesh of a person.

He decided to place an advertisement for a skilled Medium or Necromancer. The obvious choice for where he would place it, was the Monster's Fang. Along with their stories, the publication also ran articles as well as want ads. As the articles and ads were, as a rule, dark in nature to match the feel of the publication itself, Regulus thought it worth a shot that a necromancer or medium may be reading it. When he talked it over with Kreacher, the elf thoroughly approved of his choice. He was glad that Regulus refused to risk their hard won peace and happiness by mucking about with a potential Horcrux for any reason.

He was also certain they'd enjoy interviewing potential mediums and necromancers.

"Those we don't feel are legitimate shall still serve us," he proclaimed happily.

"How is that," Regulus asked, arching his brows, wondering what Kreacher had in mind.

"Kreacher can use them as inspirations for his next horror stories!"

Regulus chuckled.

"Of course you can! No time wasted, then."

Kreacher nodded.


Regulus sent in the ad the very next evening. It would show up in the next issue which would come out in around two weeks. With that done, his mind returned to the resurrection stone. Though he had no personal interest in the thing, his own horcrux theory regarding the Peverell brothers and their three Hallows being Horcruxes that would help them defeat death was a puzzle he wished to study.

With this in mind, he wrote Harry Potter, asking if he'd be willing to share his experiences with the thing. Harry wrote back within the hour, agreeing, asking if Regulus would like to meet the next day. Of course he would! Regulus invited him to dinner, thinking he should at least feed him for his trouble and Harry accepted.

Kreacher was none too pleased, still not being a fan of Harry in spite of the kindness the young man had shown in his willingness to return their home to them.

"Harry Potter did not want our home," Kreacher grumbled when Regulus said as much.

Regulus sighed and shrugged.

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