Chapter 132

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True to his word, Wolfgang sent a large stack of books on earth magic over to 12 Grimmauld the very next day. To Regulus's pleasure and satisfaction, Kreacher actually left off on the elves so that they could pour over them together.

Some of the books were in English while others were in Old English, German, Latin or ancient Greek. Thanks to translation spells, it wasn't a problem. For Regulus, the problem was not knowing what they were looking for and hoping they would recognize it when they found it.

As Kreacher seemed rather confident that they would, Regulus didn't concern himself too much as he always trusted in the elf. They'd had the books for a few days, when Mag and Severus came to visit. Kreacher and Regulus were curled together in their favorite armchair in the library reading a text in Old English concerning the buildings and magical structures constructed by earth wizards. The current chapter was on Stonehenge. It was purported to have been used for several functions from astrological rituals to weather magic.

"Do you think elves could've built it," Regulus asked and Kreacher shrugged.

"Perhaps. Or perhaps goblins. Though Kreacher has only seen them care about metals, they did build Gringotts, and it is stone."

A throat clearing from the doorway caused them both to look up. Piper stood, nervously twisting at the hem of his tunic.

"There are guests at the door. A Mag and Severus Snape. Should Piper show them in and shall he bring tea or wine?"

"That's odd, we didn't even hear the door-chime," Regulus said.

"We must have been more engrossed in our reading than I thought!"

"Stormy was looking out of the window when they arrived, so he opened the door before they rang," Piper explained.

"Yes, Piper should show them in," Kreacher instructed benevolently.

"He may ask them if they would prefer tea or wine and if they have room for snacks. Piper may serve what he feels suitable if they do."

The elf nodded, bowed and left.

Regulus slid a book mark shaped like a coiled basilisk with emerald eyes between the pages before closing the book they were reading.

"We'll get back to it before bed if there is time," he said, bending to kiss Kreacher's cheek as he reached across him to place the book on the small round table beside their chair.

"Sounds good," Kreacher nodded.

Piper led Mag and Severus in then and departed to bring their drinks as Regulus and Kreacher rose to greet them.

""What's the occasion," Regulus asked with a warm smile.

"Oh we were just in town to visit my parents so thought we'd drop over," Mag said.

"I've done a bit more digging into the potion of despair, for what it's worth," Severus said as he and Mag took a seat on the sofa across the room.

"I say for what it's worth, because my findings, though likely accurate, aren't particularly helpful in any direct way that I can see. I have come to the conclusion that one of the ingredients which gives the potion its bright green color is a powerful psychedelic plant.

When taken in high doses, though, the experience is generally quite unpleasant and the hallucinations that are induced are always very disturbing. It isn't one of those that one takes for fun.

Taken in an even larger dose, it can be deadly. I also discovered another herb that was likely included which would've been responsible for causing you to drink from the lake itself as it strongly induces a nearly violent thirst."

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