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"Xai?" Zuko whispered in disbelief.

They were so far from the north, how did he get this close to the Capitol? Was he going to be taken to a camp? Would Xai turn him in?

"I thought you were killed, I thought she killed you son," Xai pulled him away in disbelief, keeping a hand on the boys shoulder.

"N-no no, I escaped, b-but I- commander how are you here?" Zuko felt sick, he felt like he was going to collapse.

"They're moving us all around cause of some invention or what not... I brought some of your brothers with, fuck Zuko, we all thought you were killed," Xai pulled him to a hug again.

This time Zuko gripped the back of his commanders shirt and hugged him back, tears filled his eyes. He was so nauseous all of a sudden but he missed his commander so much, he missed his family. He was homesick.

Xai noticed the other children behind who were unsure with the fire nation but he recognized they were earth kingdom and water tribe.

"It's early, have You and your friends had breakfast yet?" Xai asked as he took a step back from the boy.

"I could eat," Sokka pipped up.

"Sokka," his sister elbowed him.

"I don't know," Zuko looked down nervously.

"Why don't you kids come through the back of my tent, I'll spare some breakfast, it'll only be a few minutes of the day, these new recruits are still to scared of me to be a bother," Xai smiled calmly at them and Zuko had a hopeful look at his commander. He looked back at the others to see if it was okay.

"I could use a bite, after starving for those few days I wouldn't mind food," Toph smiled with her hands behind her head.

"You can bring the avatar too once he's done playing in the trees," Xai turned around with his flask to drink as Aang floated down wide eyed.

"Yes sir," Zuko rubbed his head awkwardly.


"Oi and stay the fuck out You rats!" Xai barked as he closed his tent harshly while some men laughed and others were fearful of their commander still.

"These damn newbies are going to be why i just walk into an earth kingdom camp I swear," he chugged some of his flask and saw Zuko and four other teens.

Xai's eyes landed on Aang.

"Introduce your friends boy," he motioned to them.

"I never thought I'd see the day that the avatar was in my presence and it wasn't on a battle field," he grinned a little as he rubbed his scruffy chin.

"My name is Aang, this is Katara, Toph and Sokka," Aang bowed at the waist to him as Xai went to the large pot over a flame to get them food.

"It's relieving to meet a higher up from the fire nation and not get shot with fire," he smiled anxiously as Zuko helped handing his commander some bowls.

"Oh I'm sure my boy here put you through a little hell before I will," Xai tsked a little and poured them rice porridge for each of them.

"Fire flakes?" He offered to them as everyone took a bowl of breakfast. Zuko took a pinch to put on his porridge, Sokka and Aang did as well curiously of the fire nations spices.

"While you kids eat, Zuko may I speak to you alone?" Xai asked in a gruff voice when he took a swing of his flask.

"Yes sir," Zuko took a bite and walked to the other side of the tent with his commander.

Little Soldier BoyWhere stories live. Discover now