Lost again

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"Do you want to go into town with us for dinner? We're gonna get Aang in a minute," Katara asked Zuko when they docked the ship on a little island off the coast of the fire nation.

"I'm okay, thanks," Zuko shook his head not even looking at the land.

"Do you want us to bring you anything back?" She raised a brow.

"We still have some rations below deck," he explained calmly sitting on the crates.

"Ok, just make sure You eat something then," Katara felt a little disappointed he wasn't going to go with but let the other teen be. He still liked having space from people, she understood wanting him to be comfortable.

Zuko fiddled around with his knife from his uncle as he traced the edges making sure it was still sharpe, he saw Sokka and Toph leave the ship without Katara and aang. He wondered if Aang was healing okay and they both stayed back.

"You seem to avoid people while you can still," Hakoda joined Zuko seeing him sitting alone.

"Guess I'm anti social," Zuko kept his head down. Not catching the sarcasm Hakoda humored to him.

"It's been a few weeks kid, I thought you'd loosen up after some time," he smiled kindly but Zuko didn't respond.

"Ah I guess You tend to stick around the kids on the ship, I'm just some old man that's nosy," Hakoda teased, nothing.

"Are all fire nation soldiers so quiet back in your camps?" He chuckled nervously, thinking he was making a fool of himself.

"Oh I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to be disrespectful," zukos head snapped up quickly.

"My apologies Chief Hakoda," he put the knife down.

"Dad stop harassing him," Katara walked out to the deck seeing the two together.

"Your friend sure stays on his toes," Hakoda laughed slapping his hand on zukos shoulder and gave a soft squeeze.

"I'm sorry," Zuko gulped.

" Kid there's nothing to apologize for, don't be so jumpy, and don't call me sir, makes me feel older, I'm just here to chat," the man smiled down at him and there was something so genuine and kind about him. Zuko almost believed him.

"Understood," he nodded softly and Katara shooed her father away.

"Are You still afraid of my dad?" Katara teased a little.

"Are You not going into town?" Zuko changed the subject. She flicked him for it but moved on.

"Aangs upset, I wanna be here in case," Katara sat on the crate with him with a heavy sigh, leaning against his back.

"Why is he upset?" He frowned.

"Frustration and guilt for ba sing se, he feels like he failed, like he has to make it up to the world for losing," she closed her eyes and felt the ocean breeze against her face.

"Do you think he remembers?" Zuko asked quietly. Katara opened her eyes again.

"He hasn't brought it up," she knew what he meant.

"I'm going to go back in ten minutes, bring him some dinner," Katara told him rubbing her face.

"Digging into my rations instead of towns food?" Zuko teased and she laughed a little.

"If your willing to share the fire nations mighty meals," she cackled standing up. 

"We'll spare some," Zuko nodded leading Katara to make up some dinner for their friend.

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