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"Help! Someone help! Let me go!" Katara yelled in a room she was chained to the wall as two dai lee agents stood at the door.

"Are you working for long feng still? Do you know that the kyoshi warriors are imposters!? It's princess Azula of the fire nation! They're all fire nation!" Katara yelled at them as she struggled against her restraints.

"Let me go! Where's the earth king?!" She screamed.

"I can assure you yelling won't do you any good," Azula smiled walking into the room with ty Lee and mai behind her.

"And the dai lee know who I am, earth benders with fire bender killer instincts, what more could a princess want?" She grinned deviously with her hands behind her back.

"Aangs not here, you won't get him," Katara snarled.

"I still will have two prisoners that'll do me good, and your the avatars girl, he'll come for you," Azula told her confidently.

Katara stayed quiet as she looked at Azula, was she lying? She said that Zuko and her were siblings..? How is that possible? That makes no sense, how would he be a soldier much less have a wanted poster for dead or alive.

"Your thinking about Zuzu, how sweet, I'm guessing he never mentioned his own family? Who he was before he was a soldier?" Azula could read her like a book.

"It's not your fault, he doesn't tell a lot of people it seems, not even his fellow soldiers knew, I heard he was quite the liar there," she laughed mockingly.

"Old habits die hard I guess," she hummed but Katara gulped keeping quiet.

"I'm happy to air out zukos dirty laundry if you have any questions, he'll probably lie if you ask anyways," Azula chuckled shaking her head.

"Zuko is your brother... like fully?" Katara asked slowly, she couldn't believe what she was asking.

"Same mom and dad, he's my big brother, first born," Azula smirked.

"I-I... that doesn't make any sense, he doesn't have any family, he-" Katara choked on her words.

"Tragic I know, but soon enough I can bring my big brother home, unfortunate he'll be behind bars but home either way, I won't make any mistakes again like last time," Azula sighed sarcastically but could see the betrayal and confusion still on Kataras face.

"Send her to the catacombs, be on the look out for the avatar," she waved them off.

"I'm sure the peasant has a lot to think about,"


Katara was thrown into the crystal catacombs and trapped under ground. She grunted falling on her back and watched the entrance be blocked by the earth benders.

"Shit," she hissed standing back up rubbing her arms.

"Shit!" Katara yelled kicking a crystal that was in the wall.

She was captured. Zuko was going to be captured. There's no way of escaping the dai lee much less Azula.

She was his sister.. did that mean Zuko was the first born prince of the fire nation? It had too. But last she heard the fire nations prince was safe in the palace living a comfortable life. But that was a lie then.

She paced around the cave stressfully, since she's met Zuko he's been an angry stubborn soldier, he was a soldier for zhao, zhao tried to kill him. After that she's known Zuko as a refugee, wanted by the fire nation. How is he the prince of the fire nation? Who knows? How was he allowed to be a soldier? Was he ever going to tell her?

Little Soldier BoyWhere stories live. Discover now