0-8: Outdoor Confrontations (Dreamer 1 & Spider 8)

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Dreamer 1:

The name's Yuika Hasebe, and our class is in the park right now to enjoy the autumn atmosphere.

This is Oka's idea of an outdoor lesson or something, but the truth is that our progress through the current subject's material is ahead of schedule, so we can afford to waste time having fun instead.

Same with the upcoming cultural festival, we will be running a maid cafe as suggested by the boys unsurprisingly, but much to the boys' dismay, they have to suffer alongside us girls by crossdressing as maids themselves.

And can you believe Hiiro was the one to suggest that twist, out loud?

Outstanding move on her part.

Anyway, I am chatting with Ogi right now.

People often find it weird that he's friends with pretty much everyone, girls included, but I myself have a lot of guy friends in addition to the gals too, y'know?

Nearby, Shun, Kanata and Kyouya are sitting on a bench chatting away.

Then suddenly, a soccer ball flies towards Shun.

I was worried for a second but he dodges and the ball bounces off the bench back to the one who sent the ball flying in the first place.

Kengo: "What're you all doing? This soccer game is mandatory for all the guys. Let's go!"

And with that, Kengo charges back towards the field with the ball.

Kunihiko: "You better pass to me for a change!"

Kunihiko complained, chasing Kengo, followed by Issei.

Those two and I are probably Kengo's only friends, everyone else just sees him as the 'leader' they have to reluctantly follow to avoid being annoyed to death.

Issei often hosts D&D sessions in which Kengo, Kunihiko and I are regular participants and that's how we became friends.

I suppose there is also Naofumi, but it doesn't ever seem like he wanted to be there with us.

Hard to say we are really friends with him.

Kyouya: "Natsume's way too aggro, as usual."

Kyouya complained as well.

Of all the boys, Kyouya definitely dislikes Kengo the most and vice versa.

"Natsume's not a bad person, but he definitely doesn't listen to anyone else."

I decided to reply to Kyouya's complaint.

Kengo is kind of an idiot, but that doesn't necessarily mean he is bad.

He is capable of kindness and selflessness, it's just that there are no opportunities in daily life that let him show that side of himself.

It's rare, and overshadowed by his usual antics, but that's what Issei, Kunihiko and I understand about Kengo from our D&D sessions.

He's kind of a glory hog, but still does the heroic thing most of the time with a bit of mischief here and there.

Chaotic good as Issei likes to call him.

We do our best to reel him in when he goes too far with his idiocy, such as bothering Hiiro with 'help' with his homework.

We managed to convince him that doing so only makes him look dumb in her eyes so it is better he stops using homework as an excuse to spend time with her.

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