1-K: Naofumi Kogure's Dread (Crier 2)

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Crier 2:

Are you kidding me?!

How am I supposed to deal with this?!

In my past life, I was a loser cry baby.

I get overwhelmed by emotions so easily that I pretty much cry at anything.

I got made fun of a lot, and Natsume more or less used that to make me his minion.

I was so unmanly I gave up on myself, and resigned myself to the whims of someone else.

But ever since Sasajima told me to stand up for myself, I have tried to seriously be my own person again.

Starting with PE, which I am horrible with.

I asked Hayashi, who I was partnered up with in PE, to help me get better at it.

He brought me along with him to run and play table tennis everyday.

He was really supportive of me trying to improve myself.

He was definitely my first real friend.

If only the same can be said for my old family, always berating me for showing emotion, the pain of the harsh treatment only made me more emotional.

My younger sister, well, she liked to make fun of me, but is also the only one to defend me from my family too, she was weird like that.

Not that it matters now.

I seem to have been reborn as a noble or something.

You would think that's a good thing but...

They don't seem to be so understanding or supportive.

I mean, I am just a baby!

And yet they are already looking at me disapprovingly when I cry!

No doubt this is some sort of strict family that has a reputation to maintain.

I still cry at any moderate emotion I feel, how am I supposed to change that?

They are not gonna hit me when I cry, right?

They are not gonna disown me, are they?

The dread I feel makes me cry again, much to my parents' annoyance.

In contrast, my twin brother is sleeping soundly and never once cried.

It's obvious who is gonna be the favourite.

One thing that confuses me is that my tears seem to crystallise for whatever reason.

Why, I don't know, but my parents are clearly annoyed by them.

Even more points deducted for me.

I am so screwed.

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