1-1: Say the Line, Kumoko (Spider 16)

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Spider 16:

What's up mentlegens, welcome to my brand new let's play of...whatever the heck this is.

It's been a while since I reincarnated into what I'm pretty sure is a video gamey fantasy world or something along those lines.

And guess what? I am a spider now.

Yes, a freaking spider of all the things I could have become.

Like, why? Just why?!

For duck's sake I would rather be a tree than this!

No sheet, I once played a tree in a mandatory drama show in elementary...

'That time I got Reincarnated as a Tree' huh?

What would the story even be about beyond the obvious?

The consequences of deforestation and destruction of the environment in general perhaps?

That would be intellectually stimulating if done properly, I would definitely read that.

Or y'know, some ecchi sheet for us horndogs.

I have seen enough hentai to imagine where this would go...

But more importantly, aren't isekais supposed to be better than this?!

Ain't I supposed to become an overpowered hero or something?!

Loved by a harem, the world and all?!

And most importantly, go on a journey to become the best I can be?!

Y'know, an otaku rehab so I can finally be proud of myself and not just pretending to?!

Nai wa! Sigh...

I thought about killing myself, no seriously, that wasn't a joke.

But I couldn't do it, I suppose there still exists that spark of hope in me that refuses to let things end like this.

If only that spark is strong enough to actually motivate me to live life to the fullest.

Nai wa...

I am stuck in a giant cavern system by the way.

I tried to look for an exit but gave up soon after.

Why? Because this cave is way too big and dangerous!

I mean, this place is populated with actual Monsters!

We have deers with dangerous-looking horns, wolves with six legs, and bats that look like hellspawns!

No way a dainty newborn spider can handle all this!

Nai wa! Sigh...

Unless something miraculous happens to save me, I will just have to live here till I die of ageing or whatever, aka passive suicide again, wasting my life away doing nothing of note.

So if you ignore the danger of my current environment, not much actually changed between my past life and this life, hedonistic as always.

Disappointing as all that is, I doubt I would have been able to handle actual character development in a grand fantasy adventure to save the world or whatevs anyway.

Nai wa...

Right now I'm chilling in my new crib.

Not long ago, I ran from my new siblings who were eating each other, and from who I presume to be my new Mother who was eating my siblings as well.

I mean, come on! I have been denied the opportunity to make a 'Mum come pick me up I'm scared.' joke twice in a row now!

Inner Critic: Nai wa, your priorities are so backwards, Hiiro.

Super Spark of Duper Pride [OB] - Act I: MotivationWhere stories live. Discover now