2-D: Mach Bauernhof (Runner 3)

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Runner 3:

I am so bored!

Living in slow motion sucks!

My body is so slow that it takes forever to get anywhere or do anything!

Ugh...can I turn it off somehow?


Everything suddenly moves very fast and the overlapping vision is gone.

In my panic, I trip, falling face first.


I guess I can turn it off, I just wish it had some sort of warning first.

New Mum: "Are you okay!?"

My mother rushes over to check on me.

I nodded calmly while holding my face.

I have understood the language here, thanks to the unbearable amount of time I have on my hands.

But my voice chord isn't fully developed, so I am having trouble speaking.

Ugh, how annoying.

New Dad: "Well, this is unexpected coming from you."

My father commented when he returned and learnt from my mother about me tripping.

My parents see me as some sort of miracle child from the heavens with how smart and capable I am, which is kind of true.

So me tripping out of nowhere is indeed unexpected.

They have also been trying to hide my unusualness from the other farmers.

Well, I have caused them enough shock already, so the least I can do is not draw attention for now.

The futures I've been seeing shows my parents panicking a lot, but I have been able to avoid those scenarios by stopping my training and acting like a baby whenever someone else shows up.

Speaking of farmers, I am not even one year old and I am already trying to help with farming.

Mainly because I am bored, but also because I want to build up strength quickly.

On that note, I notice my strength increasing abnormally quickly.

Like, even though I am trying my hardest to train, I don't think a baby as young as me can do all this stuff.

New Dad: "By the way, I finally managed to borrow the Appraisal Stone."

My father added.

Huh? A strange, uncomfortable feeling fills my body.

My father looks surprised, and hands the stone to my mother.

The weird feeling hits me again and my mother looks shocked too.

They look at each other, then at me and see my confused face.

New Dad: "Try appraising yourself."

My father said while my mother gave me the stone.

Appraising, the only way to check one's Stats.

Though this is the first time I have been appraised.

That feeling doesn't hit me again and the information just flows into my head in Japanese.

Appraisal: < Demon LV1 Mach Bauernhof... >

Demon!? What!?

I am a Demon!?

I stop appraising myself to check on my parents, activating my slow motion to give myself as much time as possible to process all of this.

They are Demons too, but they look perfectly Human.

Are we Demons pretending to be Humans, living a low profile life in the countryside to avoid trouble?

Their faces start twitching in a way that indicates that they realise they have been appraised.

So I return to appraising myself.

I see Stats, like, hard numbers showing my HP, MP, SP, EP, Attack, Defence, Magic, Resistance and Speed.

Then there are my Skills, most of which I am already aware of as the announcer or whatever has told me when I got them from working hard.

The most important one is [Instant Response], a Skill I didn't know I had.

Appraisal: < [Instant Response]: Combines the max level effects of the following Skills, [Thought Super-Acceleration], [Future Sight], [Concentration], [Prediction], [Evasion], [Probability Super-Correction], [Skanda] and [Ultimate Movement] >


So that explains the slow motion and overlapping vision.

I am able to think super fast, see the most likely future, concentrate and predict super well, and have a much easier time dodging things.

My Speed and SP are boosted greatly and can grow greatly too.

Like, my SP and Speed Stats exceed 1000 already while my other Stats are far from even breaking triple digits yet.

Talk about a head start!

Only problem here is that I can't turn [Thought Super-Acceleration] and [Future Sight] off on their own.

I have to have all the included Skills active at once, or none at all.


That's a bummer.

Guess I just have to get used to the slow motion and future-seeing life.

Moving on, I can see how many Skill Points I have, 75000 to be exact.

Didn't know that's a thing too around here, and I am guessing you can buy Skills with them.

Hm, can I see what Skills I can buy by double appraising it?

Turns out I can, and one Skill in particular caught my eye.

[Dignity LV10], and only for 500 points.

The main selling point of it is that it increases that rate at which I gain Experience and Proficiency.

Considering my goals of becoming the very best there ever was, who am I to say no to such a good deal?

Super Spark of Duper Pride [OB] - Act I: MotivationWhere stories live. Discover now