3-4: Meeting the Admins (Spider 52 & Dragon 1)

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Spider 52:

Majikku 1: Are you done descaling yet?

Karada: Of course not! Better idea, someone take over for me!

Majikku 1: Don't be a slacker, you are not weaselling your way out of this.

Karada: Oh of course, Nai wa...

Oh, my, holy, freaking, stupid, crap!

Majikku 2: What's wrong, big sis Interu?

I was checking out our Skills and just realised [Utility Thread] lets us add our Defence or Resistance Skills to our thread, most importantly, [Fire Resistance]!

Majikku 1: Seriously? We could have used our threads here all this time we have [Utility Thread]? How did you miss that?

I don't know, I am dumb.

Majikku 2: Don't feel bad, with how weak threads are to Fire, adding [Fire Resistance] might not actually prevent them from catching fire.

Majikku 1: But it will still extend the amount of time they can be on the field of battle like how [Energy Conferment] does.

I am so sorry for not doing my job right.

Majikku 2: Um, apology accepted, big sis Interu.

Majikku 1: Well, I say we check out what Skills to pick up with Skill Points while we wait.

Good idea, we now have 200 Skill Points and the Evil Eyes we can get with that amount, ignoring Heresy Evil Eyes since [Heretic Magic] is probably better, are [Electric Evil Eye], [Wind Evil Eye], [Earth Evil Eye], [Heavy Evil Eye] and [Dark Evil Eye].

Majikku 1: So how do they work anyway? Does [Electric Evil Eye] shoot a bolt of electricity from our eye and [Wind Evil Eye] shoots a gust of air instead?

Majikku 2: And I can't imagine how [Earth Evil Eye] works. More importantly, does it work against flying enemies?

Yeah, I don't know either, what I do know is that [Dark Evil Eye] is redundant since we have [Shadow Magic] already.

I think [Heavy Evil Eye] increases the gravity acting on the target, which should ground flyers and slow everything down.

Majikku 1: That sounds like the most useful one here. And oh! If we can use it on ourselves...

Majikku 2: Oh oh! You mean gravity training? Like how the z fighters do it?

Then we get to yell 'Restriction released!' when things get serious, we'll be so cool!

It's decided, [Heavy Evil Eye] it is then!

We bought the Skill and I immediately activated it on our body by targeting our front legs.

Karada: Eh!? Nani the heck!?

Majikku 1: Gravity training.

Karada: It's so hard to move now!

That's the point, that way we can train even harder than before to build muscles.

Karada: I know what you mean and want but I am busy descaling our meal over here!

Majikku 1: There is no point in doing gravity training if we can't function normally with it on. So get used to it.

Majikku 2: Aim for 1000 times the normal gravity!

Super Spark of Duper Pride [OB] - Act I: MotivationWhere stories live. Discover now