|10| Tomodachi no Hanako (My Friend Hanako)

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Tomodachi no Hanako (My Friend Hanako)
by Capulong, Rey Ann G.

Summer break had just ended, and Kazu found himself rushing along with the entire student body of Kanagawa Yokosuka High School as the school bell rang...

The hallway buzzed with students meeting friends, sharing stories about their summer break. However, for Kazu, a straight-A student, the end of summer meant one thing: the final test for the first semester was only a month away.

After the class, he headed straight to the library, the only place where he felt safe due to past bullying experiences. Scouring the shelves for books, he noticed a thin red petal on the top shelf, reminiscent of the Red Spider Lilies in the school garden. Curiosity led him to a new acquaintance, Hanako, a girl who shared a fondness for the flowers.

Days passed, and their friendship flourished. While some students seemed envious, Kazu paid little attention until his sister mentioned Hanako's connection to eerie tales circulating in the school. His classmates, fueled by superstition, began mocking him, leading to intensified bullying. Kazu sought refuge in the library, avoiding Hanako to shield her from the torment.

One day, perusing old maps in the library, Kazu stumbled upon a pre-World War II map that revealed the original structure of the school. Shockingly, he discovered that the library and garden were once part of the original building.

Connecting the dots between his sister's stories and the map, he was chilled to the bone. To find Hanako, he retraced his steps, his search futile until he recalled his sister's tale of summoning the girl.

As the sun set, he followed the instructions and knocked on the third bathroom stall. To his disbelief, Hanako responded, confirming her presence. The stall creaked open, revealing her smiling face. "Why?" Kazu managed to utter. Hanako explained their shared history – she had attended the school before World War II, bullied until her untimely death during an air raid.

Contrary to the terrifying rumors, Hanako didn't intend to harm but sought companionship. Inspired to help her find peace, Kazu wrote her story for the school paper, dispelling myths and prompting changes against bullying.

As winter approached, Hanako stood among dormant red spider lilies, expressing gratitude for Kazu's friendship and helping her find peace. Their bond had transformed the school's culture, fostering better understanding and protection against bullying.

In the following years, Kazu forged more friendships, yet every late summer, amidst the blooming Red Spider Lilies, he fondly remembered his first friend.

The End

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