|15| The Rare Blue Spider Lily

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The Rare Blue Spider Lily
by Owen Chris Dalisay

In a grand palace, Princess Aki, the daughter of King Danno, resided. Despite her beauty, Aki was plagued with a weak body prone to sickness. To ensure her safety, she was accompanied by a powerful ninja bodyguard named Daiki, known for his prowess in defending the palace and winning countless wars. Eiji, Aki's lifelong friend and maid, also stood by her side.

One day, while picking flowers in the garden, Aki suddenly collapsed, losing consciousness. Despite the efforts of the healers, Aki's illness proved incurable. Desperate to save his daughter, King Danno sought Daiki's help. He asked Daiki to embark on a perilous journey to Mount Fuji in search of a legendary flower, the Blue Spider Lily, believed to cure any sickness. Daiki, secretly in love with Aki, accepted the mission and promised to return not only with the flower but also to marry the princess.

Before departing, Daiki, Eiji, and Aki prayed solemnly at the Kawaguchi Asama Shrine, hoping for success in Daiki's quest and a swift recovery for the princess.

In a cave on Mount Fuji, Daiki encountered Kira, the guardian of the spring and the rare Blue Spider Lily. Kira, a kitsune, transformed into a formidable fox, unleashing immense power. Daiki, refusing to surrender, cleverly used his intelligence and the surroundings to confront the guardian, emerging victorious.

Kira permitted Daiki to take the Blue Spider Lily, but its effects had to be used within a day. Daiki rushed back to the palace, saving Aki's life just in time. Upon awakening, Aki expressed her gratitude to Daiki and confessed her feelings for him.

Aki and Daiki were married, building a family together. Daiki continued to protect the land and the princess, while Aki, as queen, led her people to prosperity and integrity. Over time, their realm flourished, becoming renowned across states.

The End

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