|138| Deception

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by Frances Miere Porcioncula

In the bustling heart of Japan, two houses stood side by side, each with its own tale to tell. Yor, an enigmatic, black-shrouded dwelling, cast an eerie shadow over the street, instilling an air of trepidation among prospective tenants. On the contrary, Anya, adorned in bright hues, presented a facade of warmth and allure, drawing in those seeking solace and comfort. Little did anyone suspect, appearances were deceiving.

Yor, with its spooky demeanor, often found itself overlooked and abandoned, a forlorn sentinel on the crowded avenue. Despite its desolation, Yor held a secret—its true essence was one of benevolence, an abode that sought to offer peace and convenience to those who dared to enter.

Anya, on the surface, exuded charm and hospitality, attracting tenants with its vibrant exterior. However, beneath its inviting facade lurked a sinister agenda. The unsuspecting occupants soon found themselves entangled in a web of misfortune—missing belongings, restless nights, and a string of unfortunate events. Anya reveled in the chaos it created, orchestrating a symphony of misery for those who fell under its deceptive charm.

As whispers of discontent echoed through the neighborhood, the once-beloved Anya revealed its true colors. Seeking refuge, tenants turned to Yor, discovering the solace and tranquility that had long been overshadowed by Anya's malevolence. Yor became a sanctuary, a haven for those seeking respite from the duplicitous nature of its neighbor.

In a poetic twist of fate, Yor, once abandoned and scorned, became the beacon of hope for those who had suffered under Anya's dark influence. The tides turned, and Anya stood deserted, a testament to the karmic retribution that awaited those who sought to deceive and inflict harm. As the cityscape evolved, the tale of Yor and Anya etched itself into the annals of deception and redemption, a cautionary narrative for those who dared to judge a house by its facade.

The End

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