|12| White Loving Dragon

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White Loving Dragon
by Byron Chavez

In the mystical village of Mastala, there lived a woman named Purela, the daughter of a humble farmer who had rescued her from the river during a catastrophic flood. What Purela didn't know was that her true parents were the King and Queen of Mastala.

The King, consumed by the desire for a son, ordered Purela's demise upon learning of her birth as a girl. In an act of desperation, the Queen staged Purela's death, secretly placing her in a basket with a pendant that would one day reveal her royal lineage.

On the very day of this tragic event, the god of air, Valir, furious at the King's decision, unleashed a storm that claimed his life and spared the Queen. After 18 years, Purela grew into the most beautiful woman in the village, cherished by all for her kindness and purity.

During a riverside laundry day with her family, Purela encountered Kadito, the water dragon and son of Valir. Kadito, enchanted by Purela, transformed into a human named Kaxix and infiltrated her world. They became fast friends, with Kaxix revealing himself as a guard working for the Queen.

Their idyllic friendship faced a challenge when Colonel Katsup, the chief of the guard, took an interest in Purela for his son, Tomatos. Invited to the Queen's birthday celebration, Purela wore a pendant that held the key to her true identity.

Amidst the festivities, the Queen recognized the pendant and realized Purela was her long-lost daughter. Simultaneously, Colonel Katsup, with sinister intentions, sought to eliminate Purela to secure his path to the throne. However, Kadito, revealing his true form as the water dragon, intervened.

With Purela now aware of her royal heritage, Kadito claimed her as his wife and whisked her away to his world, where they lived happily ever after. The Queen, though, still yearned for the chance to embrace her lost daughter.

The End

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