|136| Pencils and Erasers

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Pencils and Erasers

by Ralph Jason Del Valle

In a bygone era, when the air in the factory was filled with the scent of freshly sharpened pencils and the promise of creativity, two communities coexisted in harmony on the shelves of a quaint start-up company. Pencils and erasers, each serving their unique purpose, were content in their respective territories.

However, the serenity was shattered one fateful day when Bimbo, the charismatic leader of the pencils, succumbed to arrogance and indulged in a night of revelry. In a drunken stupor, he ventured into the eraser domain, sparking a conflict that would alter their intertwined destinies forever.

Bimbo, fueled by misplaced pride, declared the superiority of pencils over erasers, asserting that the latter existed solely to serve their graphite counterparts. "Without us, pencils, you are all useless," he proclaimed, his words echoing through the factory.

Ammar, the steadfast leader of the erasers, refused to bow down to such demeaning claims. In response, he declared war against the pencils, igniting a clash that transcended the boundaries of their once-peaceful coexistence.

As the war raged on, the factory became a battleground. Once-sturdy shelves were reduced to rubble, and the remnants of the once-thriving production floor were marred by the scars of conflict. Witnessing the destruction unfold, God, in His infinite wisdom, decided to intervene.

Gathering all pencils and erasers, God delivered a divine decree: henceforth, pencils and erasers would be forged as a singular entity. Pencils on one end, erasers on the other — a symbolic gesture of unity and collaboration.

The aftermath of the divine intervention saw a transformed landscape. Pencils and erasers, once bitter adversaries, now stood side by side, their once-antagonistic relationship replaced by a newfound sense of cooperation. The factory, now a testament to their unity, resumed operations with a renewed spirit.

In this new era, tools that embodied the essence of collaboration were born. Pencils and erasers, working seamlessly together, became a beacon of creativity and innovation. The tale of the great conflict, once a reminder of division, evolved into a timeless story of unity, inspiring generations to come.

And so, the factory continued to thrive, its shelves lined with pencils and erasers that symbolized the enduring legacy of their journey towards unity.

The End.

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