|33| His Beautiful Eyes (Geuui Aleumdaun Nun)

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His Beautiful Eyes (Geuui Aleumdaun Nun)
by Maricar E. Ancaja

In the mystical land of Youngsan, a prince named Baekhyun reigned with arrogance, his cruelty casting a shadow over the vibrant kingdom. Unbeknownst to him, a powerful fairy, one of the magical beings residing in Youngsan, witnessed his heartless deeds.

This fairy, a shapeshifter with the ability to blend in, assumed the guise of an old woman and approached Prince Baekhyun, disguised in need. Seeking a simple act of kindness, she requested food, only to be met with disdain as the prince callously pushed her away.

Enraged by his heartlessness, the fairy unleashed a curse that transformed Baekhyun into a visually unappealing man, shunned by the very Youngsan's girls he once mistreated.

Returning to his palace, Baekhyun was confronted with his altered appearance, and the once vibrant palace now mirrored his despondent state. As he waited in vain for acceptance, resentment festered, and he vowed to bring chaos to Youngsan.

In the midst of this turmoil, a newcomer named Hyeon stumbled into the colorless palace, drawn by an inexplicable force. Witnessing the dismal surroundings, she sensed an unusual connection and bravely entered, hoping to be the catalyst for change.

Upon seeing Baekhyun's peculiar face, Hyeon took a chance and kissed him, expecting the curse to be lifted. However, the transformation did not occur, and Baekhyun's fury intensified.

Faced with the impending destruction of Youngsan, Hyeon, driven by an unexplainable intuition, kissed Baekhyun once more. This time, the magic worked, not only restoring the prince's appearance but also infusing color and life back into the kingdom.

The prophecy held true: the woman who kissed Baekhyun without hesitation became the harbinger of transformation. As the vivid hues returned to Youngsan, Baekhyun's heart softened, and the once-gloomy prince was forever changed.

And so, in a burst of color and magic, their tale concluded, proving that even the most cursed hearts can find redemption with a touch of unbridled, selfless love.

The End

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