|89| Her Beauty

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Her Beauty
by Hannah Rae Bristol

In the bustling streets of Tokyo, amidst the cherry blossoms and vibrant city life, lived a captivating girl named Kiyomi. However, her beauty was overshadowed by a troublesome attitude, a constant scolding of those around her. This tale unfolds as Kiyomi's life takes a dramatic turn, revealing the transformative power of lessons learned and the redemption that follows.

One day, Kiyomi, in her usual demanding manner, called upon Azami, her maid, demanding the surrender of her precious jewels. Azami, however, didn't immediately comply, testing Kiyomi's patience. Unbeknownst to them, Hairi, an old woman who observed this power dynamic, saw an opportunity for justice to be served.

In a twist of fate, the following morning greeted Kiyomi with an unexpected challenge. As she awoke, a layer of grime covered her face, refusing to be wiped away easily. Frustrated and angered by her predicament, she retreated to her room, attempting to hide the shame that marred her beauty. Her mother, concerned and perplexed, entered the room, demanding an explanation for the strange occurrence.

In an attempt to remedy the situation, Kiyomi and her mother consulted various doctors, seeking a solution to cleanse her face. Despite their efforts, the grime remained stubbornly affixed to her skin. It was during this desperate search for a cure that they encountered Emiko, a mysterious woman who claimed that the only remedy was to wash her face in the sacred waters of the Sumida River.

Hopeful for a solution, Kiyomi and her family promptly made their way to the river, placing their trust in Emiko's guidance. However, after numerous attempts to cleanse her face in the river, the dirt showed no sign of relenting. It became clear that Emiko had deceived them with false promises.

Dejected and hopeless, Kiyomi, once filled with arrogance, felt the weight of her actions. It was a moment of realization for her and her family. They urged her to reflect on her behavior and reminded her of the importance of respecting her elders.

As Kiyomi heeded the advice and made a genuine commitment to change, a miraculous transformation occurred. When she awoke the next day, the dirt on her face had vanished, and with it, the perceived punishment. Kiyomi had undergone a profound change, emerging as a person no longer consumed by anger and disdain.

She kept her promise to her parents and vowed never to return to her previous ways. The story of Kiyomi serves as a testament to the power of redemption and personal growth, illustrating that sometimes, it takes a drastic turn of events to spark positive change in an individual's life.

And so, in the vibrant streets of Tokyo, Kiyomi blossomed into a happy and respectful person, leaving behind the remnants of her tumultuous past.

The End

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